
Your Big Fat Boyfriend

A Conversation With The Author, Jenna Bergen

By Habib Wicks, PEERtrainer Co-Founder
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What surprised you the most while writing the book?

How many women were so excited about YBFB, even before it printed! As soon as I told anyone the title they would start laughing and say “That’s my life!” or “I know! I gained 10 pounds when I started dating!” It was so great and it’s been amazing to hear how much women relate to the book after they read it.  Whether they are married or engaged or dating—they all see themselves or their guys in the stories and are so eager for help on how to keep the weight off or drop the pounds they’ve already gained.

What unexpected questions have been asked since the publication of the book?

Hmm. I’m not too sure if there have been any unexpected questions yet. I guess I would say that women really love talking about their own lives and experiences while dating or their husbands, so a lot of it just ends up with us chatting and sharing stories and ideas on how to keep the pounds off while still having fun with your guy.

The most unexpected and wonderful thing has been the response. Entertainment Weekly put it on “The Must List: 10 Things We Love This Week” and People magazine deemed it a “Great Read: Not Your Average Diet Book.” I feel so lucky to have that kind of recognition.

If someone was to give this book as a gift, who are the right and wrong people to buy it for?

It’s great for anyone who’s sick of dieting! This book is about making healthy habits and food choices for life, not about restricting yourself or timing out your meals. And it’s a perfect gift for any girl who’s going to tie the knot, because now you know for sure she’s going to be spending almost 24/7 with her guy.

It’s a great gift for any of your girlfriends or your sister who’s been lamenting about how her veggie-hating BF won’t try anything she cooks, or your Mom who’s never been able to get your Dad off the couch on a Sunday afternoon. And guys: This is a great gift for the woman in your life, too, especially if you’ve caught her looks or eye rolls over what you’ve brought home from the grocery store or if she says “Really, again?” when you tell her you’re hungry an hour after a meal. I guess I’m just saying that everyone really relates to this. Whether you’re single or dating or married, you will, at one point, most likely have to figure out how to co-exist with someone who’s food choices and calorie needs are way different than your own.  Continue Reading Interview...

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