How do I join a group?
Easy! Click here to form your own group or join an existing one.

Is there a charge to join
No, PEERtrainer is a free service to its users.

How many are in each group?
Groups must have a minimum of two and a maximum of four members. Our experience
has shown the support and camaraderie that develops from small PEERtrainer
groups offer you the best chance of reaching your fitness goals.

Can a group turn me down for membership?
No. If there's room in an existing group, simply join and you're in!

What if I can't find a group I want to join?
PEERtrainer is designed to let you search on such criteria as Fitness Goals or
Zip Codes. But if an existing group doesn't seem 100% right for you, simply
send an invitation to a friend or family member and form your own.

Can I form my own group?
Yes. Create a group and simply send an invitation to your friends after it's created.

Can I switch PEERtrainer groups?
Absolutely. If you join a PEERtrainer group that's not the right fit, you can
switch groups anytime.

Can I join more than one group?
Sure. Some members say the feedback and support they get belonging to multiple
groups helps them achieve their fitness milestones even faster. The best part
is that you need only complete your daily log once. The information gets
automatically posted to all groups you're in.

I have a hectic schedule and don't have time to log on everyday. Can I still
Yes, but like any fitness regimen, commitment equals success. For the best
chance to reach your fitness target, and to help your PEERtrainer members
achieve theirs, we recommend you log on at least 4 times a week.

How do I leave a group?
Simple. Go to my info and click on leave a group in the left navigation. Then, select a group and you're automatically removed. Let us know if you've been successful by submitting your success story or email us at [email protected]!

Logging my meals and exercise routine everyday sounds time-consuming. How much
time do I need to devote to PEERtrainer before I see results?
It just takes a few minutes a day to update your personal PEERtrainer log and
find out what your buddies are up to. And, if you're like most PEERtrainer
members, you'll look forward to checking in, sharing your news and
giving/getting feedback that'll keep your group on track.

How do I manage my group preferences and personal information?
Just go to my info in the top navigation bar. You'll see tabs for profile, preferences, success story and account. Simply type directly into the fields and your changes are submitted.

Do I have to achieve my goal within a certain time period?
No. Set your own pace. It's entirely up to you.

What happens when I reach my goal? Do I have to leave my PEERtrainer group?
Many members remain in their PEERtrainer group for weight maintenance and
motivation. Plus, it's fun!

How can I invite my friends to my group?
Easy! Just go to my group, my log or my info and click on Invite your friends in the left navigation under the calendar. Select a group, fill in the fields and an invitation is sent!

Can PEERtrainer recommend a personal trainer in my area?
Not yet, but we've had so many members ask, we're working on it.

Does PEERtrainer endorse a specific diet or fitness regimen?
No. PEERtrainer is diet and exercise "agnostic." Members follow Atkins, Weight
Watchers, South Beach – you name it — and do everything from yoga to Pilates to
triathlons to get in shape.

Does PEERtrainer sell customer information?
Absolutely not. PEERtrainer respects your privacy and will never sell your

Will I receive SPAM if I give you my email address?
No. PEERtrainer does not sell or share e-mail addresses with third parties.

What is PEERtrainer's privacy policy?
Read our privacy policy here.

How do I contact
Find our contact information here.

Do I have to tell my group how much I weigh?
Absolutely not. You set your goals to whatever works for you. Some members only say how much they'd like to lose and how many pounds they lost that week. Some have goals that are about getting fit and healthy and don't tie being fit and healthy to a number. It's all up to you.
