
Your Big Fat Boyfriend

A Conversation With The Author, Jenna Bergen

By Habib Wicks, PEERtrainer Co-Founder
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What are you going to write about next?

There is so much I want to write next! I love health and fitness and think it would be amazing to do another book, whether it jumped off of Your Big Fat Boyfriend or was a little different. I also would love to write a novel or a screenplay. I went to school for film, so I really love setting scenes and developing characters, too. I tried to bring as much life into this book as possible. I wanted it to be fun, not another dry diet book. (I’ve read quite a few reviewing them for Women’s Health and I really wanted to write one that I would actually enjoy reading. So I hope you enjoy reading YBFB!)

Do you have any questions for the PEERtrainer community?

Yes! First of all, please let me know what you think of the book! I would so love to hear your thoughts and comments. Please email me at [email protected] or stop over to my blog, And the other thing I want to know is why does your guy make it hard not to gain weight? And guys, don’t worry, I have heard the gripe: My girlfriend is the one making me fat! So please, stop over to my blog and tell me about it! I would so love to hear your stories!

Amazon Link For The Book:

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