eDiets Fresh Prepared Meal Delivery Program
Review and Observations
How To Reach Your Weight Loss Goals, Even If You’re Busy
It’s all about baby steps… I hear people say that it’d be easier to stick to their diet and weight loss plan if someone cooked for them and if they had healthy and tasty food choices at arms reach. This is especially true late at night when you’re alone and your guard is down.
Eating right and cooking right is difficult for many of us who work, run a business, manage a household or care for young (and maybe not so young) children and teenagers. There just isn’t enough time to pamper yourself, right?
It’s especially challenging when you’re just getting started on your goals and you haven’t built up the right health and weight loss habits.
What can you do if you can’t hire a live-in private gourmet chef or have Mom move in to cook and prepare healthy meals and snacks for you?
You can have healthy meals and snacks delivered to you.
I was recently introduced to eDiets meal delivery and I did a little “secret shopping” to check them out. I wanted to get the dirty on them and see if this was really something worth recommending to others. I’ve been, and I’m sure you have been too, disappointed in the past with so-called “health” or “weight loss” solutions.
Fortunately, I’m pleasantly surprised with what I found.
What is eDiets?
It’s a healthy meal delivery program. It's great if you're too busy to do it all the meal prep and cooking yourself because all you do is choose a weekly menu from over 150 delicious dishes and chefs prepare it just for you. Then, FedEx delivers it fresh in special coolers to your home or office. Get one FREE week of meals when you order eDiets' meal delivery.
It's simple, heat it and enjoy it. You can even save more time by heating it and eating it right from the container and avoid the extra clean up later.
It’s almost as good as hiring a live-in chef. Maybe not.
But, it does help you stick to your weight loss plan because the meals are prepared in the right portion sizes (the company states that their program can help you lose a healthy 4 to 8 pounds per month). And, because the dishes are made with fresh ingredients and produce without any added preservatives.
It’s not perfect. But in my opinion, it’s still powerful because most people, especially those starting their journey to permanent and healthy weight loss need a push, a “Jump Start”, to get them on the right path.
And more importantly they need to build momentum to get them past the “hump” until their health and weight loss goals turn into automatic life enhancing habits.
The kinds of habits that make you feel good about yourself, that make you feel powerful about your future. Wouldn’t it be nice to have automatic habits like that?
It’s possible. Even for you because almost every week I read inspiring stories from members who reached their personal weight loss goals and then took it to the next level by running a marathon or doing something amazing that they never thought they could do.
Imagine how each area of your life will improve once you’re past that hump…
It starts with that first little baby step, that gentle push.
eDiets also comes with support.
There’s live chat support, you can call and consult with a Dietician, and you can even speak with a fitness trainer. Resources like these could easily cost thousands of dollars a year. But with eDiets there’s no extra charge and you have the added convenience of calling a toll-free number.
Also, you never have to worry about being up-sold or offered to buy extra stuff you don’t need because the helpful customer service people do not work on commissions. Why don’t you check eDiets out? You can get one FREE week of meals when you order eDiets' meal delivery.
There are other programs similar to eDiets, such as a local Zone Diet service. However the Zone doesn't deliver everywhere; they don’t deliver in my area for instance. eDiets has a much greater reach because they deliver through FedEx. Check out if eDiets delivers to your area. eDiets.com
Weight Watchers is also a great program. Unfortunately, they don’t deliver fresh and healthy food to your door like eDiets and many people get anxious and exhausted of counting points.
eDiets really makes it easy to stick to your weight loss goals because their chefs customize your menu and weekly meal plan and take away all the stress of counting points because everything is served in the right portion size.
What are some drawbacks about eDiets?
They are not 100% organic or vegan and if you have food intolerances or allergies, you won’t be able to use eDiets.
Also, it won’t pass muster with Dr. Furhman’s recommendations. In order for that to happen you’ll have to add in more vegetables and fruit on your own. But that’s okay because eDiets is best used as a Jump Start. It’s not intended to be a long-term program.
One thing you should know, eDiets was voted #1 for best taste by Epicurious.com.
This is important to reach your goals because you’ll enjoy the flavor of your eDiet plan. And if you enjoy it, you’ll stick with it and when you stick with it, you’ll hit your goals, get past the hump and develop life long habits that will keep you healthy and lean.
Learn more about eDiets, their menu options and even try them out for free. Get one FREE week of meals when you order eDiets' meal delivery!