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Treadmills - Any suggestions
I got a little bonus from my company yesterday and I was thinking of buying a new treadmill. My old one is about 8 years old and it's sooooooo loud and rickety. Does anybody have one of those new treadmills that are supposed to be quieter? I'm also interested in the shock absorption features and/or MP3 / IPod hookups. Can anybody vouch that those features are worth having or is is all a hype? I have $1000 to spend. Any suggestions?
Fri. Feb 1, 8:33am
I have one that's a name called Cadence. It's not the best in the world but it's not very loud. It has pre-programmed personal trainer work outs or you can do manual mode. It has incline and goes up to 10 mph. It also has a great feature where I can hook up my laptop to it and get various other personal training programs that control my treadmill if I choose to use it, pretty neat feature. I travel frequently for work and have used better ones, shock absorber wise, in hotel fitness centers where sometimes I feel like I can run forever. But, it's hard to find one that has it all! Mine was actually cheap, I think I got it at a Walmart or soemthing like that type of store for about $350. Good luck with whatever you choose.
Friday, February 1, 2008, 3:42 PM
Depends on if you run on it or walk. If you are a runner - seriously think about the deck and shock absorption. You don't want a puny motor, slipping belt and thin deck. If you are a walker then you can do with a bit less because you probably won't be stressing it that much. I dislike the flashy displays add-ons, etc.. However that's my personal preference. I bought a Precor on sale for $1300 and it's been excellent - still looks and runs like new 6 months later. It's been very comfie for me (walker) and my husband (daily runner). So that's another thing to consider - how much use is it going to get and who will be using it?
Friday, February 1, 2008, 7:08 PM
Try to find a BH retailer near you. They make some great treadmills that feel like gym quality at a home user price.
But as someone who's sold fitness equip for 5 years, it's hard to find a quality treadmill for $1000. You usually need to spend a little more.
Friday, February 1, 2008, 9:24 PM
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