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Super Bowl Snacking

I've been invited to a Super Bowl party and I'm thinking of just not going to avoid all the snacks. I know I could easily chow down 1000 calories in a few hours surrounded by yummy snack foods. The game isn't of interest to me, just the fun time with friends but oh my....the temptation will be soooo great.

Any suggestions on how to handle this situation?

Thu. Jan 31, 4:49pm

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bring your own snacks, eat a salad before you go, bring your own diet pop and low cal alcohol, and find something to do. i'm the same way, i'm not a fan of football, but every year we have the party and i make everyone's favorite appetizers because i don't like them. i also burn calories by refilling everyone's beer glasses and taking care of the kids. and i still get to hang with the neighbors. it's a win for everyone!

Thursday, January 31, 2008, 5:25 PM

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pick your demon - chips or beer...hmmm, decisions, decisions.

maybe bring your own veggie tray - something you know you can enjoy since you paid for it and you brought it.

you could always eat before you go, and...

my personal favorite that i absolutely never do - drink one drink and then drink a glass of water. it apparently helps slow you down and thus you'll consume less alcohol.

have fun!!! enjoy the game.

who should i be routing for this year???

Thursday, January 31, 2008, 5:26 PM

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I got together with friends for the playoffs and brought my own veggie tray, along with low fat rach (I just subbed it out from where the regular ranch dip sat in the tray and didn't say anything - no one noticed). I also brought whole grain tortilla chips and salsa. If there is something else that looks too good to pass up give yourself three bites - and that's it!
Double your cardio that morning or the day before.
Designate yourself DD so you have both an excuse and an obligation not to drink.

Thursday, January 31, 2008, 6:00 PM

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Any ideas for snacks if youre HOSTING a party? Other than the veggie tray, of course... :) (PS GO GIANTS)

Thursday, January 31, 2008, 6:25 PM

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Go Pats!

Thursday, January 31, 2008, 7:37 PM

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other could mix up a fun cocktail - oprah was really going on and on about the pomegranate (sp?) martini. that would be different. you could make sweet potatoe fries, brie with roasted tomatoes and olive oil with crackers, turkey-pigs in a blanket, mixed nuts, low calorie cole slaw, fruit on skewers is fun and easy to munch on, spiced up pretzels (spray the pretzels with cooking spary, sprinkle with worcester sauce, salt/pepper, other seasonings and bake for a few under the broiler). you could bring frozen pops or even just light popcorn with taco seasoning flavor on top. man, i wish i had thrown a super bowl party rather than heading down to MARDI GRAS! peace, k

Thursday, January 31, 2008, 8:31 PM

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