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how to get rid of love handles

When I get out of the shower and check myself out, I can see I am getting trimmer except for those damn Love handles. Anyone know hw to get rid of them?

Thu. Jan 31, 9:53am

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how to get rid of love handles

As your overall body fat declines, the "love handles" will gradually go away.

Most people have places where they are inclined to store extra fat.

Drop the body fat and the love handles will say, "bye bye."

Keep it up! :)

Tammy Lou

Thursday, January 31, 2008, 12:06 PM

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Evaluate your diet and look for places where you could cut out processed foods and add more fresh vegetables and lean protein. I think you've got to get as lean as you can b/c those handles will probably be the last to go.

Good luck - those handles are a bitch aren't they?

Thursday, January 31, 2008, 1:40 PM

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How to eliminate love handles:
-Eating "clean"
-drink lots of water & green tea (unsweetened), NO soda
-ab work


Thursday, January 31, 2008, 2:10 PM

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i was at my gym the other day and they had this round flat thing on the floor from bally's (not a bally's gym, just the brand name). when you get on it, you keep your upper body straight and turn from side to side using your abs. can i just tell you this is my new best friend at the gym. i am seeing significant improvement on my muffin top i accumulated through three stomach surgeries. my jeans are starting to become loose in the waist!

Thursday, January 31, 2008, 4:26 PM

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does it have like two layers? I think my gym might have that and I def have a problem with the love handle situation and i think i am going to try it.

also, i've been doing a type of push up where you lift your head to the celing and push your but down. if your feet are shoulder width as well as your hands it works very well too. I have for sure noticed a difference with in a week of doing thirty everyday!!!

Friday, February 1, 2008, 12:15 AM

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Obliques are the name of that muscle group. Now, to see a picture of me you will realize that I just recently decided it was time to get healthy, but years ago I had a nice tummy.

1) Continue a healthy lifestyle. First off you need to just keep working on what you are already doing, good diet and exercise.

2) Strengthen your back. If you strengthen your back a lot of the things that help your obliques won't hurt your back. Back pain is something that slows people down a lot of times. There are a lot of ways to do it, but fish out of water swimming is a good one. you lay on your tummy, lift your head, put your arms out behind you like Ariel in the little mermaid and then flutter kick. Start with 10 seconds and then increase as it strengthens. Depending on your love handles this may help them.

3)Twist Crunches- this is the classic way of attacking those obliques. some people call it bicycle crunches. It is where you lay on your back and alternate elbows to knees as you crunch up. I start everything in 10s and then increase as strength increases. People who are in shape are probably doing 20-30 per time.

4) That new Dancing with the stars video. My daughter has been losing a lot using it in her abdominal area. She was getting love handles, but it took care of those.

Friday, February 1, 2008, 3:21 PM

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Oh I should mention that the other thing I keep reading is that no matter what you do some areas just are not going to burn as fast as other areas, and you can work out all day on your legs and thighs and still have hips that are not burning off the fat. Different bodies burn fat in different areas first. My problem has always been the hear shaped lower part of my tummy is always the last place to lose no matter how much ab work I do.

Friday, February 1, 2008, 3:24 PM

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009, 12:53 AM

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a combination of a healthy diet, exercises, and motivation.

high intensity workouts, both cardio and free weight exercising.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011, 7:31 PM

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