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Thyroid meds and weight gain?

Hi there, I know there is a somewhat related post circulating...but I have recently been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I have gained 10 pounds in 1 month and I want it to stop!!! I was under the impression that synthyroid and levathyroxine etc would help speed up my metabolism to LOSE the weight...but from what I've been reading it seems that is causes weigh GAIN in many people. I'm worried, tired and gaining by the day! any good experiences with thyroid meds? any suggestions or warnings?
I'm a little scared here!!!

Thu. Jan 31, 12:47am

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The medications that you mentioned do not necessarily cause weight loss, but should help stabilize your thyroid. Are you sure you can attribute the weight gain to the medication? Have you changed your diet or activity level? Hypothyroidism is not fun...I have it, and I do take Synthroid. It is recommended that you increase your activity level and carefully monitor your daily caloric intake, paying special attention to simple carbs that turn into sugars quickly. Do you know what your free T3 and T4 and TSH levels are? Did your doctor give you your lab results? It's always a good idea to ask for them; you are privileged to that information as a patient and sometimes, you will need to try different thyroid medications until you find one that works well with your body and the severity of your Hypothyroidism. Without knowing you (your stats, being your doctor, having your lab results), I am unfit to tell you which medication will work best and it may very well be a game of trial and error. Also, are you seeing a general practitioner or an Endocrinologist?

Hope you get some relief soon.

A good book is: (extremely informative!)


Thursday, January 31, 2008, 1:07 AM

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