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Quitting Smoking
What are some good tips?
Mon. Jan 23, 3:37pm
Everyone has a different way to do it but this worked for me. I smoked a pack a day for at least 12 years. I knew that I didn't want to be "older" and smoking but funny, I was getting older! I kept saying, right before I start trying to get pregnant, 'll quit, etc. I believe you have to get a strong enough reason of why you want to quit. Getting pregnant in some far off date in the future isn't strong enough to make it happen now.
I was contemplating skiing for a semester in college and had heard that smoking in high altitudes would be difficult if I wanted to ski. I thought, the whole point of going was for me to ski! I knew that I couldn't smoke. I was scared for my health, scared of what would happen to me at the top of the mountain with a limited lung capacity. I quit the next day, after I made the decision to ski. I threw away my pack and never smoked a cigarette again. Not even 1, not even a week later (though I really wanted one desperately.) I replaced the habit with skiing (which isn't always possible, but having a replacement, I think for long term success is key). I've been smoke free for 13 years.
I use this approach for other areas in my life on a consistent basis. If I find a strong enough reason "why", changing the habit is always the easy part. Finding the why, a strong enough one, takes more time, introspection and is the key to doing it.
Monday, January 23, 2006, 3:54 PM
My mom used this method to quit before she tried to get pregnant: one night, she forced herself to chain-smoke every single cigarette in the house, until she actually physically made herself sick from them! So she was disgusted by them for at least a little while, which helped her to not go back. And not having a "safety stash" on hand helped too, she couldn't "sneak" one if she "needed" it.
This was in the late '70's, long before the "patch" or the gum, etc.
Monday, January 23, 2006, 5:23 PM
quit smoking
I went with the patch and I suggest everyone use it. I smoked over a pack a day for... a long time. I tried cold turkey and it wasn't for me. With the patch you can't give yourself an out. You have the nicotine, so you aren't actually "craving" a cigarette, you just want one. It really helped me deal with the mental part of smoking, which was WHY I smoked. I smoked to keep certain feelings far away. Eve noticed that when you get mad or sad or anythingm you have to smoke. When you have the patch you can start to deal with your emotional smoking... just be careful not to replace it with emotional eating.
Make sure to give yourself the "ok" if you gain a little weight when you quit. not that any of us want to, but don't beat yourself up over it. A little weight is still healthier than smoking.
I also suggest all the other important things. CLEAN EVERYTHING. Even if you haven't worn it in 2 years, wash it. You don't realize it now, but everything smells like smoke. Wash your car, fabreez the crap out of everything. Tell everyone you are quitting and make sure they help you. Ask your smoking friends to not smoke around you. Up your work out, because you will feel good knowing you are doing something so good for yourself.
I have not had one smoke since I quit and these tolls have helped three of my friends quit. You can do it and you will be so proud of yourself when you hit that 1 week mark, then the 1 month, then 1 year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, January 23, 2006, 5:39 PM
I used Ziban to stop smoking in 5 days. I have also in the past gone cold turkey. My doctor says it's mine over matter. Just like losing weight. My suggestion is see your doctor maybe they could help you. Good luck.
Monday, January 23, 2006, 6:45 PM
Remember that it might not smell bad to you but it's a total turnoff to everyone else. I won't even sit in the same room with someone who smells like cigarettes. The worst is when it rains. It's incredibly foul.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006, 1:33 PM
Here's how my friend did it - a book!
And let me tell you, this is a friend who would become GIDDY knowing she was going to Paris for a trip, just because she knew she could smoke her brains out and it would be absolutely accepted.
She read The Easy Method or some such title (author Alan Carr) and that was it. Seriously. She had been smoking for at least 15-20 years and LOVED it. Wow.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006, 1:55 PM
Another cold turkey quitter here. I quit 10 years ago and haven't looked back. It was not easy, but it was the best thing I ever did. It has also helped me realize how strong I can be when I put my mind to it.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006, 5:47 PM
Cold Turkey
My husband and I both quit cold turkey 9 years ago-he's had one cigarette, I've had none. He was a heavier smoker than me, but I averaged a pack to just under a pack for 6 years. We both got into fitness-he biking, me running.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006, 6:19 PM
Screw Ziban (by the way, do u know it can cause seizures!! Im epileptic, I know what a seizure is pill is worth it!) Screw the patch, and screw that gum too! Yes, they all can be good methods to AID some people...but be serious..the addiction is the nicitine...the main ingredient in these "aids" is ....NICOTINE!!!
You need to get the nicotine OUT of your system, the sooner the better! Its not easy..I know, I just went thru it 20 days ago...I have bad dreams that i accidently smoke..i still have the urge now and then..but dammit, I CAN BREATHE AGAIN!!
So Far, my fiance and I have saved almost $ 20 days!!
We made lists, that we carried around with us, naming all the reasons why we wanted to quit...that, and his support, were my best "aids"! Good luck on your tough journey!
ps..these are just 'my' opinions, hope i didnt step on any toes!
Tuesday, January 24, 2006, 9:49 PM
I don't actually have any advice but I just wanted to congratulate you on deciding to quit. I'm a non-smoker so I can't really appreciate exactly how difficult or easy it is for smokers to quit but I can recognize that you are making a positive change in your life for your health. Just stick with it, find your reasons for quitting and believe that you can quit, even if you slip up sometimes.
Good luck!!
Tuesday, January 24, 2006, 10:25 PM
How To Quit Smoking
new PEERtrainer article on quitting smoking:
Friday, June 19, 2009, 12:37 PM
I've been an on and off smoker for about 4 years. My last quit date was Christmas day - so about 6 months ago :)
My tip is this: Patches
Sipping water through a straw
Plenty of sauna....
all this helped to flush my system as I was going down in patches and such :)
worked for me and this time Im sure as hell not going back to smoking - way expensive, which reminds me - my avon should be coming soon - part of my reward system - which is a must when quitting!
Friday, June 19, 2009, 6:53 PM
Replace smoking with exercise. I have been smoke free for three years. Everytime I wanted a smoke I would jump on the tread mill or go for a walk. Not only did I quit but I went from a size 12 to a size 6.
Friday, June 19, 2009, 7:55 PM
do lots of won't "allow" you to smoke...if you smoke and do cardio, you will not be able to push yourself bc your body won't let you. your lungs and heart will be more easily overworked, and you will be at a greater risk for heart attack and stroke...just do a lot of worked for me. i couldn't even do 5 minutes on the elliptical...a week after i quit (never a heavy smoker, though), i was up to 20 minutes.
Friday, June 19, 2009, 8:06 PM
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