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not smoking for 18 days

Hey all...I stopped smoking 18 days ago and gained a few pounds, and while pretty determined, am fearful of gaining more weight. I'm really happy I'm not smoking but kind of scared of weight gain....I recently lost 50 llbs and have been really happy with my success.

Mon. Jan 28, 7:00am

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Congratulations!!! Smoking is the hardest thing to quit. I quit six months ago and it was the best thing I've ever done for myself. As far as the weight gain I"ve gained almost twenty pounds. I am bound and determined to lose it again but it will take time. Just know that you have done the hardest thing and that's quitting! Make a conscious effort to watch what you eat and you should be fine. You obviously know what you're doing because you've already lost 50 pounds. Just keep doing what you've been doing and you'll be fine.

Monday, January 28, 2008, 8:43 AM

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My mother in law stopped smoking over a year ago. She said she gained 10 lbs., at first, but then she went right back to normal over a month or two.

Congrats, OP!!! This is going to improve your life in so many ways!

BTW, I, too, was a smoker several years ago. When I stopped, I hit the gym and became a veggie. I lost 40 lbs. Whenever I felt like I couldn't get past a craving, I went for a walk, went to the gym, or had something crunchy (like pretzels).

Keep us posted!

Monday, January 28, 2008, 10:00 AM

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I quit smoking just over the summer (gave into cravings since then this past fall) but now I am completely finished. I definitely added on some pounds after quitting, but having been an athlete most of my life, it is GREAT to be able to work out, and run without weezing, and coughing through it all. I am telling you, just start hitting the gym, and run/walk it out. You shouldn't gain too much weight if you are staying active. Good Luck!!

Monday, January 28, 2008, 10:43 AM

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quit smoking

I did the same thing as 10:00 poster and lost 23 pounds after I quit. Exercise is a great way to get through the cravings.

Monday, January 28, 2008, 12:40 PM

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