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Sugar question

Alright, so I'm trying to avoid sugar. Mostly because I'm focusing on being low GI.

But, I'm a little unsure of things with sugar as an ingredient but no carbs. Eg. mayo- lists sugar as an ingredient, has no carbs; turkey bacon- lists sugar as an ingredient, no carbs.

So is this really just a question of if I think sugar is inherently bad, avoid the mayo and bacon, or if I'm only worried about my blood sugar levels/GI, then go by carb counts on food?

Sun. Jan 27, 7:53pm

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Okay so I'm no expert, but you probably shouldn't obsess about the listed amount of carbs/sugar. If you eat as much "whole foods" (whole grains, beans, legumes, produce, lean proteins, etc) as possible, you should be on track towards a healthy diet. And you should try to avoid the bacon and may as much as possible and only use it occasionally. Good luck.

Sunday, January 27, 2008, 8:04 PM

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You're making the assumption that all sugars are created equal, and that's a mistake. I mean, are you avoiding fruit because it contains fructose, a naturally occuring sugar? Because the fiber content (as well as things like pectin in the skins of apples and pears) tempers the effect on blood sugar/appetite.

Even if you think sugar is inherently bad, if the carbohydrate count is next to nothing, as is the case with bacon and mayo, then it's not even worth worrying about.

Sunday, January 27, 2008, 8:20 PM

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The carb count will be 0 if there is less than half a gram of carbs (sugars, starches, fiber) per serving. The math is rounded.

But, you still need to watch the sugar if it is listed as an ingredient, particularly on foods that people are likely to eat several servings of. If there are 0g of sugar in one serving, there might be about 1g of sugar in 2 servings, etc.

Monday, January 28, 2008, 4:48 PM

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