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How often do you eat out in a week?
I am just curious. My husband and made a pact at the start of the new year not to go out to eat until Feb 14th. We used to eat out only on weekends but still managed but during the weekend we would still manage to eat out about 4 times. Now that we have stopped, it has become very normal not to eat out at all, and I dont find myself missing it one bit.
So my question is how many times a week do you eat out??? Any meal you eat out counts if you did not make it at home and bring it with you. Even subway!!!
Sun. Jan 27, 1:08pm
these large chain restaurants are the reason a majority of america is busting at the seams. i don't believe it is the government who should regulate them, i think it is us, we, the consumers, who are responsible for limiting our consumption at these places. they are convenient, but for those of us who cannot control our intake, they are black dots on the sunrise. until we say no to the chili's cheese fries and the boneless, processed, buffalo wings, we will always be enslaved by their corporate logos.
you may just want to add up the amount you would have spent going out to dinner with your hubby. i bet you would be amazed. just in my own head, if you and hubby spent about $100 per week going out (for two), you have saved $600. That is a serious chunk of change, especially considering you were always buying the groceries for the house either way...
Sunday, January 27, 2008, 1:22 PM
we have 3 children, eating out can be less than relaxing!!!!!
we get take out pizza/wings once every other week. that is mainly for convenience when we both have insane work days and no time to prepare food.
hubby and i dine out maybe 3 times a year without the children. we also dont have the resources to dine out more frequently. get poor, you will stay in and cook more. (just kidding)
Sunday, January 27, 2008, 2:02 PM
Actually, since starting college, I tend to eat out far less than I did while living at home, which, seems so backwards. I find when I do come home, my family is so busy that they don't find the time to just make dinner so they eat out frequently. It's actually a huge waste of money. I started saving the money I would use to eat out in a jar a few months ago and surprisingly, it's really adding up quickly. I really want to buy a blackberry, so I figure if I save money instead of eating out, I'll have my blackberry in no time!
Sunday, January 27, 2008, 2:41 PM
I eat out maybe twice a month. Always with friends or family. I never hit a drive through. And when I do eat out, I always drink water, have some form of beef, no grain product, a salad, and if they have it, a sweet potato. That's it. I have a list of about 4 restaurants I'm willing to go to.
Sunday, January 27, 2008, 5:04 PM
I try not to eat out
I very rarely go out to eat. It is difficult to control your portions and/or seasonings that go into your food. I also do not trust them to be clean. I notice the letter or number they get, but I am not impressed with the cleanliness of most restaurants and drive thru fast food chains. My concern is also about the washing of hands of the cooking staff.
Sunday, January 27, 2008, 7:08 PM
I was eating out alot, like maybe 4 times a week. I am a SAHM so daughter and I will shop then eat out. Now it is much less. Maybe once a week and we always try to make it subway lol
Sunday, January 27, 2008, 7:54 PM
I'm a SAHM, too, and almost all of my eating out is a social thing for me vs. for convenience, work, etc. If not for the fact that it's the easiest way to connect with my friends, I could easily give it up. I eat out at least once a week, although I'm coming off a stretch of eating out 3 days in a row - yikes. But, I choose well, eat a fraction of what I'm served, and don't drink - but, it is expensive!
Sunday, January 27, 2008, 8:20 PM
My husband and I go out on a date every Friday night, and probably eat out twice a month at most (we often go to movies but never buy concessions; we sometimes go to the bookstore or bum around a shopping mall; in the summer we take walks or go fishing or sailing or hiking).
My family eats out maybe twice a year (that's my husband and me and the kids). We're very frugal and eating out with four kids just isn't economical.
All of us carry lunches--the kids to school, me to my subbing assignments, and my husband to his office.
Eating out is expensive and not where I want my discretionary income to go!
I did have a friend whose husband was out of work for months, and she was a Realtor and not making sales because of a new baby. They were desperate. She asked for ideas to save money, and when I suggested that she quit eating out (they fed the kids every night and then went out to dinner--EVERY NIGHT!) she said, and I'm not kidding--"We couldn't eat at home for any less."
A few weeks later she asked for ideas for inexpensive home-cooked meals and I gave her several bean-based dishes we eat often--chili, black bean soup, etc. She said her children would NOT eat beans.
Not long after, she asked a mutual friend, "How do you make chili again?"
She was spending $1800/month on food for her family of five (one infant). I spend $600 for my family of six (no infants, three teenboys)!
Sunday, January 27, 2008, 8:45 PM
We used to eat out a lot, but now that I'm eating well and counting's not worth it!
I have plenty of great food at home (it's a lot easier to control calories when you're making the food yourself!!)
Sunday, January 27, 2008, 10:27 PM
Before I started getting my weight under control, I got take-out maybe 10x a week. Now I'm down to 3x, though when I'm really busy with work and I've gone through all of my portioned out, planned leftovers, it might be more. I'm trying to cut back to once a week, since I definitely lose more weight the more i cook for myself.
Sunday, January 27, 2008, 10:48 PM
Maybe 2 x month
But we go to a very nice restaurant and have something we would not make at home such as shellfish (lobster, calamari, mussels)
Monday, January 28, 2008, 3:22 PM
I usually eat out once a week (with work for lunch) and once during the weekend, sometimes less but not more. I am pretty good at controlling portions and I check a website and know what I'm ordering before I get there. This helps a lot.
Monday, January 28, 2008, 3:30 PM
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