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Because sometimes we all need to be reminded to chew our food

So I had some dental work done that left my front teeth very sensitive for a time. I've been unable to bite into anything and am sensitive to hot and cold. As a result I've been breaking everything up into very small bites and chewing with my back teeth.

It's amazing what a difference it makes to slow down and chew your food thoroughly. I am full so much faster and meals are more satisfying because I actually spend more time eating than cooking. Not only has it been great for keeping on track, but dare I say I've been enjoying myself more? This has been a great lesson and I hope that when I have the option to bolt my food down once more that I will continue to slow dow, take small bites and chew.

Thu. Jan 24, 2:46am

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Oh, it's so true, isn't it, OP? And don't you really enjoy your food more? Once I slowed down I found I got full so much sooner. I find I finish far fewer meals when I slow down. Think about how so many people eat their meals - in the car, on the go, at their desks while they work - who is enjoying their food anymore? I know hardly anything registers when I scarf my food down.

Thursday, January 24, 2008, 10:05 AM

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Funny I have been noticing how I am hungry when dinner time comes and so I start to just shovel in the veggies. Well at some point I start to sense the fullness and then I have found myself taking a deep breath and realizing I haven't been thinking about what I was doing.
I need to slow down and enjoy the food more. The taste, texture, smell, even look of it.

Good point OP

Thursday, January 24, 2008, 1:12 PM

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