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Anyone watch The Biggest Loser last night?- spoiler alert

Is it just me, or has the "game play" aspect of the game gotten way out of control? I mean, back in season 1 of the show, no one ever would have even considered throwing a weigh-in, and now it seems like people are doing it left and right.

Also, I thought what they put the yellow team through was extremely unfair, but thought it was awesome that they still won.

Wed. Jan 23, 3:53pm

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I did watch it last night and, while I haven't watched previous seasons, I did get a kick out of the fact that the big plan backfired! Otherwise, I liked the other shows where it didn't seem so much about strategy as it was losing weight. But, I guess, in the end it is a contest.

It was great they yellow team won and I loved that they donated their letters to the other teams.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008, 4:14 PM

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No More Couples?

What's up with this? I liked that they paired people up this time...Now they telling us that next week that is changing. A lil disapointing,I think.
It was awesome that the yellow team won the competitions. Although the weigh in was a lil set-up, they still won the challenge on their own. I thought it was funny that 2weeks ago they all voted to keep yellow team there cause they thought they needed it for their health and now this past week everyone wanted to get rid of them?!?!?!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008, 4:23 PM

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This is the first week in all the years I have watched that I didn't cry.
I think it is getting a bit wierd but it is still inspirational. Loved the photos of after they were sent home.
It is a strange game
And poor Bob not to know they were going to do that.
And I agree here they were letting them stay cuz they needed it the most and they were the most wanted to be kicked off.

Oh and OP thanks for the warning about the spoiler.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008, 5:28 PM

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I was disappointed about pink going home. I agree with Ali when she said the yellow team only voted them off because pink voted for yellow. It is pretty cool how pink went home and lost a lot more weight. Ali looks great! I think if black wouldn't have won immunity, they would be the ones packing. Purple and pink are my favorite teams because of the colors. I'm such a big kid. :)

Thursday, January 24, 2008, 1:15 AM

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I'm actually kinda happy pink left. Their attitude was completely crappy about the possibility of going home. Yet when they got to vote their biggest threat off it was no biggie. Eye for an eye. I believe so. I mean, yellow couldn't vote for black. If they could have they would have, so they had to choose the next in line. The fact that pink got so crappy about it kinda ticked me off. What sore losers. They should have taken it as a compliment. I mean some one has to go home, and wouldn't you want to be sent home because your a threat? I would cuz that's a compliment. Just my opinion of course.

Thursday, January 24, 2008, 1:55 AM

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I liked that Betty Sue was a sore loser. It was the first thing about this show in three seasons that didn't seem semi-scripted. You know everyone feels betrayed and hurt when they get voted off, it's just that they fight the natural urge to show that on TV.

Thursday, January 24, 2008, 10:17 AM

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