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Staying on track!!!!

I have been on PT since March last year. I have my up weeks/months and down as all of us do. I guess my question is how do you help yourself stick it out day to day, week to week, and month, to month? Exercise isn't a problem for me most weeks. I even have come to enjoy and want it. The food is the problem. I will do wonderful...and drop pounds...I have lost 40 already and have yet another 30 to go. But I can't seem to stick it out daily. Once I go off it takes weeks or more to get back on track. I will gain 10 to have to start again and then I will drop a few more and then the cycle goes on and on. I think how far I would be if I wouldn't go up and down!!!
I don't want to be this person any more. I want to stay on it, and if I have a outing or party I can enjoy myself for one day/night and get back on track the very next day. For some I guess it's easier but for me it's not. I have been all sizes since a kid...from the thin one to the FAT one. I don't see myself at this point as overly fat but I am not where I want to be. What do all of you do to stay on track daily or to get back on faster??? Plus I have children and don't want them to go through this as a adult I need to show a better example.
Please help me!

Wed. Jan 23, 2:27pm

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I would strongly recommend The Beck Diet Solution. It addresses everything you talk about and it teaches you how to stick to it, how to motivate yourself to stay with the program, how to get through rough periods, how to deal with set backs, how to manage special occasions - to name a few. It deals with the mindset. Check it out online or browse through the book at the bookstore - I think it it will help you get to your goal. You're almost there. Do Beck and you could be there by summer :) Wouldn't it be great to start summer in your skinny clothes?

Congrats on the 40lb loss, btw!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008, 4:19 PM

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I think planning plays a huge part in weight loss. Each night, I sit down and plan out exactly what I'm going to eat the next day. It helps me stay focused.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008, 4:30 PM

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ditto 4:30.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008, 4:37 PM

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I second the Beck's recommendation. This reenergized me as I try to reach my goal weight. FYI, planning the next days' food is a method recommended in the book, as is reminding yourself (by reading cards you create so they are particular to YOU) at least twice a day why you're on this diet, how to get through specific challenges, etc. Definitely worth the $12!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008, 4:40 PM

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I'm also a planner. Every sunday i cook lunch and breakfast for the whole week, pack it up and it's ready for me to grab in the morning. I also plan snacks and evening meals and do the shopping. Then I only have the food in the house for the healthy recipes/snacks I've planned and it becomes inconvenient to do anything else. I have my gym bag packed the night before and waiting by the door.

I know if I don't plan and prepare to cook healthy meals, it won't happen, so I put in the effort on one day to keep myself on track the whole week. It's definitely time well spent. Yes, I've had weeks where I got derailed, but the longer you can go without, the more consistent you become and pretty soon it's a habit. So far, so good.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008, 5:54 PM

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