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Do people get dropped if they don't log on?

Is there a time limit that a member would get deleted if they don't log on? There are some members in my group that just don't seem to do anything.. no log, no comments.. nada. Any idea?

Tue. Jan 22, 8:00pm

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The time limit for non-loggers is a week, though the PT Powers-That-Be sometimes extend that around holiday periods.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008, 8:28 PM

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I have had people go a little more than two weeks but sure enough they got dropped. I try and warn people when they enter the group.
Just be patient.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008, 2:17 AM

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I realized this a while back but then that prompted me to think "what happens when I go on vacation?" How do I avoid being dropped when I'm out of the country for 10 days?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008, 10:41 AM

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If your going on vacation do the following

Go to : my info
Select the preferences tab.

Scroll down to the bottom where you will see the following.

Please check this box if you are on vacation or traveling
(you are removed from public groups after 7 days of inactivity).
Checking this box keeps your spot in your public groups for 14 days.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008, 11:46 AM

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If your group is marked as private, inactive members don't get dropped.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008, 12:03 PM

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Thanks for the info 11:46!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008, 4:24 PM

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I'm the one who asked the question.. thanks for all the info! Now I know!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008, 7:40 PM

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The policy might say 7 days but I know it's more like 16 days after being on PT for quite a while and observing how this happens many times. For example, there's a dud poster who joined my group last week on Tuesday only to never log or post anything. She's still in our group and it's been 9 days, going on 10..probably by day 16 she'll be booted out. My group is not private.

Thursday, January 24, 2008, 9:23 AM

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I dont agree with the above poster's time frame so I wouldn't take that at face value. I went on a business trip and couldn't log for 5 days and one before I left. When I got back I was booted from the team. Also, I have some in my current group that didn't log for about 5 days and poof, both of their logs/profiles were gone the same day

Thursday, January 24, 2008, 9:37 AM

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I agree with 9:23. I have had inactive members in my groups for well over a week. It's annoying. Then they come in on day 9, post one thing they had for breakfast and we are stuck with the inactive worthless piece of crap for at least another week.

Thursday, January 24, 2008, 9:59 AM

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this is the 9:23 poster..I totally believe you 9:37 BUT the facts are that someone joined my group on Tuesday January 15th..they have NOT posted since then. They are still part of my group (much to my annoyance!) and it's Thursday January 24th! So not true that people are always kicked out after 5 days. However, I do her log says the last time she posted was on Jan. 15th so the five day thing just does not make sense UNLESS there is something else going on here.

I last updated my log at 9:25 this my last posted time shows that time. However, around 10:30am I posted a comment in one of my groups. Yet my last posted time still shows 9:25am Could it be that PT actually takes into account posting in groups/team as activity? So this bum group member of mine, may not be posting in her log and not posting in my group but if she's posting a comment somewhere else, even though it's not reflected in her "last posted time," maybe that keeps her "in status" meaning not kicked out? Maybe this is what accounts for different people having different experiences of when people are kicked out.

Anybody from PT out there who can help? It would be great to finally get this resolved.

Thursday, January 24, 2008, 12:33 PM

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It's only the GROUPS that have the time limit and I thought it was 7 days.

Anyway - there is NO time limit for the losers that join a TEAM. They are there forever more unless they remove themselves. Very annoying.

Thursday, January 24, 2008, 1:11 PM

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Yes, posting in groups and teams is considered activity. This was a vote by the community that posting a comment in any group was still considered active.

Thursday, January 24, 2008, 11:55 PM

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