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Food for Breakfast that Isn't Breakfast Food

Hi everyone!

My weakest part of the day is breakfast and that's because I hate breakfast food! I also have a gluten intollerance, so no oatmeal. I can't stand eggs, rules that out! Allergies to beef, turkey, aspertame, and many others.

I try to stick to lower carb recipes. I'm losing my mind and not sticking to my goals. I am not a creative person and having trouble finding things to eat.

Any ideas would be helpful! Thanks!

Mon. Jan 21, 9:59am

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What do you eat the rest of the day? Just because it's not "breakfast food" doesn't mean you can't eat it for breakfast.

How about a salad or some fresh fruit with something like cottage cheese or yogurt on the side?

Monday, January 21, 2008, 10:48 AM

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How 'bout something like Quinoa and sautee'd veggies? or Tapioca (the 'real' stuff, not the crap sold as pudding) and fruit? Brown rice with raisins and a little soy milk & cinnamon might be good - my mom used to make me a dish like that and I loved it! It you eat dairy - fruit and yogurt is a great option.

Those are a couple things that come to mind. I have a friend with celiac, but she can tolerate oatmeal just fine (the steel cut kind). However I'll ask her for any further recommendations.

Monday, January 21, 2008, 2:31 PM

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I have a brocoli salad every morning. Quick blanch the brocoli and add 1 tsp sesame oil, 1 tsp soy sauce, and some sesame seeds. It's so delicous.. Sometimes I add some hot sauce, too.

Monday, January 21, 2008, 2:38 PM

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you're allergic to beef? boy, you must have it rough when you go out to dinner. Have you looked into the raw diet? there are some cookbooks out there. May open up some new meal options for you.

Monday, January 21, 2008, 2:48 PM

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I second that first poster - eat things that you eat for lunch and dinner - just have them for breakfast. And given all you're allergies, I'm curious - what CAN you eat?

Monday, January 21, 2008, 3:50 PM

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