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I'm soooooo frustrated

I am so frutstrated with my weight loss effort. One week I'm down a pound, the next week I've gained the pound back, the week after I'm down two, the next week I'm up one.

This is driving me crazy! I eat realtively well... I'm averaging about 4 times a week at the gym. I'm running out of ideas and feel like eating all the stuff I haven't let myself eat!

Does anyone have any ideas ? Could it be my scale? FYI I'm 28 and female.

Fri. Jan 18, 8:49am

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Don't worry! Generally, weight loss doesn't always occur in this consistent downward trend. You'll have ups and downs on the scale. Think about how much variation there can be on the scale from day to day. You're just getting a snapshot for the week in that moment - and it's affected by how much sodium you ate, what exercise you did, your time of the month, etc.

Take measurements - that can be a great way to validate your efforts. When I would show a 2lb gain I would pull out my measuring tape and see that I was actually down 1/4 inch on my waist - it was very reassuring.

Don't throw in the towel and revert to old habits! That will definitely get you the results you don't want! Stay the course.

Friday, January 18, 2008, 8:55 AM

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Op here - Thanks for the reassurance! Making my log public.... now that's some accountability. I will give it a try and see if anyone can help me out.
I was also thinking that maybe I should make an appointment with a nutrionist ? It can't hurt and it should be covered by my insurance

Friday, January 18, 2008, 9:37 AM

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op again- I love the idea of weighing myself once a month but I think I'm addicted to my scale. I might have to move it out of my bathroom. Though the scale does keep me in line.... I know if I've eaten too much!!

Friday, January 18, 2008, 9:39 AM

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How about weighing yourself everyday? As a nighttime binger, it's easier for me to NOT eat after 8pm if I know I have to face the scale tomorrow. And, if you don't freak out too much about what the actual number is - you start to see what different types of food do to your actual weight, in pounds. If I have a margarita (or 2) on Friday night, I jump 2 pounds. It's got to be from the salt, or maybe the tequilla...

Friday, January 18, 2008, 11:10 AM

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or the chips you munch on while drinking the yummy nectar of the gods. Man do i love a margarita. Oh- at the cabana bar on the beach around 5:00 after spending the day in the water and lazily reading guilty pleasure magazines and eating cheeries with you old college pals. With the salt still in your hair and crusting the hair on your arms. someone playing the guitar and a wind surfer out on the coast with sailboats going by. Man I miss the Isle of Palms :)
and being thin enough to chill in a bathing suit all day and all my friends. Almost back though ;)

I weigh myself every morning. I love to see which foods affect my weight the most

Friday, January 18, 2008, 11:17 AM

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