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Barefoot science

I am wondering if anyone has tried Barefoot science shoe inserts. I have hip pain when I exercise and I am curious if these wound help me. Thanks for responses!

Thu. Jan 17, 10:54am

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Vibram Five Fingers Shoes

My husband purchased a pair of the vibram five fingers shoes and LOVES them - for daily work, workouts, walks, casual biking, etc. He has scoliosis and back pain when he exercises. It's not the same as what you're looking into but possibly something else to investigate. Also, you should check if you're pronating your foot (rolling in, collapsing the arch) as this can cause both hip and knee pain. An arch support system, like Barefoot Science inserts, might be the answer. Orthotics ($$$) another solution.


Monday, January 24, 2011, 2:00 PM

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I have one leg that is 1/2 inch shorter than the other. I cured chronic back pain by putting a lift (actually just a shock absorber from WalMart) in the shoe for the short leg. That leveled out my hips and made clothes look better on me, too. Doesn't seem one leg slightly shorter thant he other would make such a difference, but it did.

Monday, January 24, 2011, 4:52 PM

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I had hip pain for a long time and I felt it most when I was exercising. It finally went away after I used a foam roller on it. It was painful to roll out whatever was going on in there, but I've been pain free since!

Monday, January 24, 2011, 6:41 PM

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I had a running injury and after that, I did some research into bare foot running/exercise. Stronger feet/ankles means less chance of injury)

I already knew I would like barefoot because I do a lot of yoga (done barefoot) and whenever I was at the gym my body strangely felt unaligned and unnatural with running shoes on.

According to what I've read, it seems all those fancy sports shoes do more damage to your body than good. So, I got some Vibram Five Fingers and I love them! I'll never go back to workouts with shoes.

According to Barefoot scince, their product will activate and strengthen your foot arches. I doubt using an arch support will strengthen your arches more then just going barefoot. (Didn't our foot muscles get week by using support all the time to start with?)

Best of luck!

Monday, January 24, 2011, 8:20 PM

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Don't have them, but it all makes perfect sense to me. Here's my big question about Vibrams, it pronounced Vibe-rams or Veeb-rams?

Monday, January 24, 2011, 9:37 PM

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