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Slim Fast drinks

I've been struggling with always feeling hungry. I'm wondering if those slim fast drinks, which promise to keep you full for hours, could help me. Could someone tell me if they work? Are they supposed to substitute a whole meal or a snakc?

Wed. Jan 16, 2:34pm

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They dont work for me. I need to eat my food. the only thing that helps me stay full is something i learned from a nutrionist: Eat a protein, complex carb and a healthy fat in each meal.

yogurt, oatmeal, flax seed

apple w/ cheese (cheese has fat and protein)

salad w/ chicken and olive oil dressing.

You get it.

If I am missing any of the three I am not as satisfied or healthy. They all work together to get you the best nutrients.

also I need to sit and eat. If I drink it on the go- I dont get the mental satisfaction.

also most of those shakes are high in sugar which just makes me hungry later..

Wednesday, January 16, 2008, 3:07 PM

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Slim fast works for me for weightloss, but they don't really curb hunger. I usually take my two drinks to work along with a banana, carrots, and a yogurt. I like the vitamins and nutrients that I get from the shakes but I need something to munch on, that's where the carrots come in. I am on weightwatchers and I eat every two hours to help keep my metabolism up. Eating every two hours keeps me from feeling like I'm starving when I get home at night.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 1:50 PM

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If you drink your calories, you'll most likely stay hungry.

I've never tried them, nor do I want to.

Try actual food instead that combines protein AND carbs...not just one or the other.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 5:00 PM

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I would have one for breakfast with a banana and I felt just as hungry two hours later than I did having 1 packet of instant oat meal and a banana for breakfast. The oatmeal has 100 les cal.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 5:45 PM

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What I heard about Slim Fast is that the weigh that comes off from using it is water weight -- which can come back in an instant. Then again, this is heresy... I think it was my crazy, crazy old gym teacher who taught this.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 5:54 PM

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Slimfast is suppose to sub as a whole meal, so I think they have a few too many calories to be a good snack. Plus they have never filled my up like a good snack or meal. If you are looking for a snack to keep you full I suggest an apple. It always works for me.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008, 6:00 PM

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