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Does diet soda make you gain weight?

I have been drinking diet coke while on my eating healthy plan since it is low in calories. I only have one can a day, but I am hearing that drinking the stuff may lead to putting on weight instead of losing it (which I don't want to happen) Does anyone know if this is true?

Mon. Jan 14, 6:49pm

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There's been a ton of threads on this, in case you want to look those up. I'm not a "search the old threads" nazi, but this has been really well covered!

My own personal thoughts: I've heard people say that drinking diet pop with artificial sweeteners keeps you craving sweets and makes you eat more. I personally have a diet coke just about every day when I get those afternoon or evening "I just want something really sweet" cravings, and it's helped me tremendously. I don't think it's slowed my weight loss progress at all. I'm sure it would be better for me to quit altogether, but I think the health gains from losing weight are, for me, greater than the possible effects of one can a day. I think the important thing is to be very mindful of your eating and log EVERY bite - then you won't be mindlessly munching on stuff because hey, I'm drinking diet pop and not regular!

Monday, January 14, 2008, 7:04 PM

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I read a whole book on this. Apparently, it would be better to have the real soda and count the calories. Who wants all those nasty chemicals anyway?

Monday, January 14, 2008, 7:59 PM

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I think it's okay to have diet soda. It does have some sodium, but it's such a small amount. The caffeine actually helps me avoid cravings. I prefer Coke Zero since it tastes more like the real thing. I think drinking diet soda probably affect everyone a little differently. My opinion is that if it works for you, do it! And it works for me, not against me.

Monday, January 14, 2008, 8:50 PM

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Some research says shows soda causes cancer.

Soda is not worth it

Monday, January 14, 2008, 10:49 PM

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I was a non-believer to the no-diet-cokers for a long time... until I quit drinking them 2 months ago and now it's SO much easier to stay on my diet, I am not kidding! I am just not craving the crfap any more like I used to (for years and years and years).... Now I drink tea - any kind, caffeinated or not, instead of diet pop and it's great. My skin may have even improved as well??? Definitely worth a shot!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008, 12:07 AM

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Some of the smallest women I know are addicted to Diet coke.

I was in an all day meeting today with this woman who runs 5k a day, is 40 but looks so much yonger and she put down at least 4 of them today. But otherwise she eats really smart and healthy and has for years.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008, 3:40 PM

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Best to steer away from aspartame b/c it turns into formaldehyde in your body. When I heard that, I stopped drinking diet soda (I only drank it once or twice a week).

Tuesday, January 15, 2008, 4:00 PM

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