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I am looking for advice on how other people were successful in getting rid of the sweet tooth issue/cravings? This is my one weakness and can't seem to get rid of it. Please tell me what you did to curb those cravings.
Mon. Jan 14, 11:52am
stop eating refined carbs- bread, pasta etc. sweets beget sweets
Monday, January 14, 2008, 11:56 AM
I had to go cold turkey and stop feeding the cravings for my usual sugary treats. I tried the weaning process, but I found that any amount of my favorites triggered a desire for more and more - so the cravings never ended.
I also found new sweet treats - like sugar free jello, sugar free pudding, sugar free hot cocoa, etc. Ideally, I'd like to get all sugar and sweeteners out of my diet, but I"m not there yet. But I have definitely tamed the sugar tiger. Good luck - it's a beast!
Monday, January 14, 2008, 11:59 AM
Cold turkey--literally and figuratively. :-)
Seriously, I've had to make a concentrated effort to not have any sugary treats for a period of time (say, a week) but find a substitute snack. Now I'm almost as satisfied with a piece of fruit or a crunchy raw vegetable (sugar snap peas are one of my favorites).
Monday, January 14, 2008, 12:00 PM
cool whip
FF sugar free coolwhip w/graham crackers frozen make an awesome treat..the sug. free jello w/cool whip usually helps...try gum
Monday, January 14, 2008, 12:05 PM
Hope this helps!
I buy from the Bulk Barn (and I'm sure they're probably carried in other bulk food stores as well), Sorbee 50% less sugar candies. They were originally meant for diabetics (I'm not), but my now-passed on uncle used to share these with me. They are maybe 10 calories each, and are just as sugary as a normal candy. They satisfy my major sweet tooth quite easily.
Monday, January 14, 2008, 12:37 PM
I use sugar free hard candies. Five candies have 40 cal. so I have one after my meals as "desert" or any time I am craving something sweet. I have heard having a sweet helps signal that the meal is over and it is time to stop eating. I know it works for me.
Monday, January 14, 2008, 12:51 PM
I just had to stop cold turkey also. I had a bunch the weekend before I knew I was stopping. Then just had to stop. The first day was the hardest (started on a Monday) but by Friday I was fine. I did find myself thinking that I should have something sweet... but realized that it was mental I wasn't actually craving it.
Also had to find ways to keep myself busy during my peak sweets time (7 pm. to 10pm). It worked though... now I just have it on the weekends (1 day).
Monday, January 14, 2008, 1:09 PM
Cold turkey is the only real way to get past those cravings. The problem is once you give in to the cravings of having a sweet it triggers the want more. So plan on a 7 day stretch to really get it out of your system. And then if you still have the cravings ask yourself is it really what I want or is it more mental, or out of boredom? Often times if we step back we will see it is more out of boredom or it is just mental. Find a few good subs, I like SF puddings and SF popsicles. But find a few things you enjoy before you go cold turkey.
Monday, January 14, 2008, 1:35 PM
I always wanted sugar at night (ie. Ben and Jerry's). The things that helped me are: Eat enough calories during the day, Keep my blood sugar even (make sure I had protein at every meal), Never over-eating, and eating dark chocolate when I had a craving. 20 lbs. gone so far!
Monday, January 14, 2008, 2:38 PM
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