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Give "the boot" feature.....

I've been reading in this forum about experiences with groups where someone joins a group then doesn't post a single thing. Well, it's just happened to me! I was VERY specific in the group profile that I wanted active and participating members. I even posted a comment greeting this new "member" of the team and still nothing. It's not that I feel so much as being watched, as much as I feel that it's wasted space-- that someone else could join our group and participate to the level that was described in the profile.
Here is my suggestion- design PeerTrainer in a fashion that allows the group creator to set criteria. When a person violates the criteria for x amount of days or x amount of times, the system just automatically gives the offender "the boot"- then there is no hard feelings against the team because it was just done by the system.

Fri. Jan 20, 8:44am

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Oh nooooo, here we go again with the logging-fascism. If someone's able to stay in your group it means they must be logging once every 7 days, and that *is* the current boot criteria. I for one would be appalled if people could get kicked out for not adhering to a huge list of criteria. It would turn the whole thing into a chore and it would probably mean having to rejoin new groups or accommodate new members *all* the time which would be a pain.


Friday, January 20, 2006, 9:07 AM

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Oh nooooo, here we go again with the logging-fascism. If someone's able to stay in your group it means they must be logging once every 7 days, and that *is* the current boot criteria. I for one would be appalled if people could get kicked out for not adhering to a huge list of criteria. It would turn the whole thing into a chore and it would probably mean having to rejoin new groups or accommodate new members *all* the time which would be a pain.


Friday, January 20, 2006, 9:07 AM

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Oh nooooo, here we go again with the logging-fascism. If someone's able to stay in your group it means they must be logging once every 7 days, and that *is* the current boot criteria. I for one would be appalled if people could get kicked out for not adhering to a huge list of criteria. It would turn the whole thing into a chore and it would probably mean having to rejoin new groups or accommodate new members *all* the time which would be a pain.


Friday, January 20, 2006, 9:07 AM

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I think it would be good idea if there were some built in options when you create a group on how many times you want people to log and then the same thing when you go to join a group - perhaps a drop down list of 'how many times do you want to log' - (several per day, once per day, a few times a week, etc ) Based on your choice you would be given appropriate groups to choose from. Seems that would make everyone happy - frequent and infrequent loggers.

Friday, January 20, 2006, 9:15 AM

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I think it would be good idea if there were some built in options when you create a group on how many times you want people to log and then the same thing when you go to join a group - perhaps a drop down list of 'how many times do you want to log' - (several per day, once per day, a few times a week, etc ) Based on your choice you would be given appropriate groups to choose from. Seems that would make everyone happy - frequent and infrequent loggers.

Friday, January 20, 2006, 9:15 AM

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I think it would be good idea if there were some built in options when you create a group on how many times you want people to log and then the same thing when you go to join a group - perhaps a drop down list of 'how many times do you want to log' - (several per day, once per day, a few times a week, etc ) Based on your choice you would be given appropriate groups to choose from. Seems that would make everyone happy - frequent and infrequent loggers.

Friday, January 20, 2006, 9:15 AM

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Hugely unmotivating

sometimes you need to let people establish their own terms. This may mean letting them warm up to Peertrainer and the group before they start posting. If I was on the verge of being committed, and yet not logging enough for you, and my groupmates kicked me out, I'd be totally defeated.

As it is, I've recently gone through a period in which I was struggling with a lack of motivation. Having my group stick by me is what got me back in the game.

Friday, January 20, 2006, 9:47 AM

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Hugely unmotivating

sometimes you need to let people establish their own terms. This may mean letting them warm up to Peertrainer and the group before they start posting. If I was on the verge of being committed, and yet not logging enough for you, and my groupmates kicked me out, I'd be totally defeated.

As it is, I've recently gone through a period in which I was struggling with a lack of motivation. Having my group stick by me is what got me back in the game.

Friday, January 20, 2006, 9:47 AM

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Hugely unmotivating

sometimes you need to let people establish their own terms. This may mean letting them warm up to Peertrainer and the group before they start posting. If I was on the verge of being committed, and yet not logging enough for you, and my groupmates kicked me out, I'd be totally defeated.

As it is, I've recently gone through a period in which I was struggling with a lack of motivation. Having my group stick by me is what got me back in the game.

Friday, January 20, 2006, 9:47 AM

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My apologies.... I did not realize that the user would get taken out of group for no activity in 7 days. IF that is true, then I am perfectly happy with that. Thanks for the info!

Friday, January 20, 2006, 9:49 AM

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My apologies.... I did not realize that the user would get taken out of group for no activity in 7 days. IF that is true, then I am perfectly happy with that. Thanks for the info!

Friday, January 20, 2006, 9:49 AM

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My apologies.... I did not realize that the user would get taken out of group for no activity in 7 days. IF that is true, then I am perfectly happy with that. Thanks for the info!

Friday, January 20, 2006, 9:49 AM

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Just another quick comment.... I specified in the group profile for daily ACTIVE posters ONLY! If this member joined after reading that and doesn't post for more than a few days, why the heck does he/she come into the group in the first place???? If they want to come in for a couple days and look around that's fine. But at least have the courtesy to say hi and learn if the group is for you! Thank goodness for the 7 day inactivity rule. I'm tired of slackers.

Friday, January 20, 2006, 9:57 AM

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Just another quick comment.... I specified in the group profile for daily ACTIVE posters ONLY! If this member joined after reading that and doesn't post for more than a few days, why the heck does he/she come into the group in the first place???? If they want to come in for a couple days and look around that's fine. But at least have the courtesy to say hi and learn if the group is for you! Thank goodness for the 7 day inactivity rule. I'm tired of slackers.

Friday, January 20, 2006, 9:57 AM

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Just another quick comment.... I specified in the group profile for daily ACTIVE posters ONLY! If this member joined after reading that and doesn't post for more than a few days, why the heck does he/she come into the group in the first place???? If they want to come in for a couple days and look around that's fine. But at least have the courtesy to say hi and learn if the group is for you! Thank goodness for the 7 day inactivity rule. I'm tired of slackers.

Friday, January 20, 2006, 9:57 AM

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I agree with the most recent post. I recently left a group because I felt I was talking to myself! How is that motivating or encouraging? I join a group, give it a week or two and if people don't post/motivate/encourage frequently enough for me, I say my goodbyes and bow out gracefully.

Friday, January 20, 2006, 10:25 AM

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I agree with the most recent post. I recently left a group because I felt I was talking to myself! How is that motivating or encouraging? I join a group, give it a week or two and if people don't post/motivate/encourage frequently enough for me, I say my goodbyes and bow out gracefully.

Friday, January 20, 2006, 10:25 AM

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I agree with the most recent post. I recently left a group because I felt I was talking to myself! How is that motivating or encouraging? I join a group, give it a week or two and if people don't post/motivate/encourage frequently enough for me, I say my goodbyes and bow out gracefully.

Friday, January 20, 2006, 10:25 AM

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Are you sure the system boots you out if you haven't filled in your log for 7 days? "Logging in" happens everytime you access the site- you can post in the open forums, and you will have "logged in" but that doesn't mean they filled out their log.

Friday, January 20, 2006, 2:22 PM

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Are you sure the system boots you out if you haven't filled in your log for 7 days? "Logging in" happens everytime you access the site- you can post in the open forums, and you will have "logged in" but that doesn't mean they filled out their log.

Friday, January 20, 2006, 2:22 PM

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Are you sure the system boots you out if you haven't filled in your log for 7 days? "Logging in" happens everytime you access the site- you can post in the open forums, and you will have "logged in" but that doesn't mean they filled out their log.

Friday, January 20, 2006, 2:22 PM

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Not a bad idea but who cares if the one getting booted has hard feelings for the other group members they aren't part of the group and we don't know anybody here in the real sense.

Friday, January 20, 2006, 11:39 PM

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Not a bad idea but who cares if the one getting booted has hard feelings for the other group members they aren't part of the group and we don't know anybody here in the real sense.

Friday, January 20, 2006, 11:39 PM

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Not a bad idea but who cares if the one getting booted has hard feelings for the other group members they aren't part of the group and we don't know anybody here in the real sense.

Friday, January 20, 2006, 11:39 PM

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