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Everyone at my office makes fun of fat people
On a daily basis my co-workers make disparaging remarks about "fatties". Whether they're talking about an acquaintance, or celebrity, or someone they just passed on the street, it seems like any overweight person is fair game. I'm still obese, but I've lost a bunch of weight and carry my weight pretty well. I don't think any of it is directed towards me, but it definitely makes me uncomfortable. I'd say 90% of my office participates in this kind of behavior, including the bosses. What would you do (if anything)?
Fri. Jan 11, 11:43am
Where the heck do you work? I would think there would be some sort of chain of command you could go through,. However, that may backfire and end up focusing in on you being overweight and taking offense. If I were you I'd turn it into my motivation. Not that it is right, but just lay low and keep telling yourself you can rise above it and it'll make you stronger.
Friday, January 11, 2008, 11:47 AM
if you can join 'em, beat 'em. (just kidding)
the fact is your work life will be miserable if you speak up. it's like high school all over again. speak up and you'll be teased for it.
my in laws are the same way. the first thing they say about people is about their size. drives me nuts!
Friday, January 11, 2008, 11:51 AM
That sucks. Do you consider any of these people your friends too? If so, you might want to approach one of the people you are friends with and tell them that when they talk about overweight people that way, they are talking about you too and it hurts your feelings.
Friday, January 11, 2008, 11:52 AM
I agree with the last poster. But you could do it in a more light hearted way. Next time one of them you consider a friend says something like that you shoot back something like, wow I can't imagine what you say about me if you think she/he is a fatty. I bet it will jar them enough to realize that what they do is rude. It will also make them think about the position they put you in. They might not even think of you like that because you are there co-worker and they don't see you that way. I have friends who make remarks every now and then and I'll say wow, you think she is fat I must be huge. And they always stop and say you look nothing like that. Its funny when your friends they don't really see the bigger picture. But if you say something they might get it that your a bit sensitive to their behavior.
Friday, January 11, 2008, 11:58 AM
I am in HR. and that is what we are here for. Go have a convo with your HR rep.
Friday, January 11, 2008, 12:00 PM
PP here- esp. since obesity can be considered a disability which is proected form law to be a harassment free work place form anything covered by title VII. and the ADA (americans with Disabilities act) or you could call Omsbuds- the it is anynomous.
Friday, January 11, 2008, 12:02 PM
Thats too bad! Nice points 11:58 and 12:02!!
Friday, January 11, 2008, 12:43 PM
Pray for them. And be sad for them. Sad because they do not have the fear of the Lord of them in them.
Do not participate in conversations like these. Grow quiet and observe them but don't become them. Remember Jesus was among them but he was not one of them.
After you have prayed for them, submit yourself to the Holy Spirit. Jesus knows and will have a responsibility toward you to honor it and WILL have the Holy Spirit guide you. Don't believe me, perhaps. Try it! It is the most powerful thing you will ever do. It takes time, but in time you will have it.
Also, when these collegues are talking about weight, stay strong. Do not be discourage and down alot of calories. Remember, too, these are people who are your collegues and NOTHING else. You are stuck together to do a job together as in work.
Remember, Jesus first, dearest God Woman. Everythingelse -- secondary.
Good Luck!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 12:09 AM
Obesity considered a form of disability? I looked through the ADA and it doesn't say that. Nor does any doctor. So where is this crap coming from? Why not just blame everything on something or somebody else, that way we don't have to deal with anything. I am so sick of people not taking responsibility for their own personal choices, actions and lifestyles. Being fat doesn't make one disabled, if you happen to be so fat that it does make you become disabled then you really need to ask yourself what your doing to yourself and why have you let yourself become so obese that you can no longer do things?
And when in the hell does having the fear of God come into play pp? Pray for the OP's associates? What the hell is that going to do? Is God going to come down and strike his hand upon them? I don't think God is going to solve anything here. Sounds more like a communication issue.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 2:22 AM
There must be some sort of harassment policy. You should look into it
Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 2:35 AM
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