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head phones?

maybe i'm a freak, but my right earbud won't stay comfortably (and functionally) in my ear. any recommendations of gym-worthy earbuds or head phones? thanks!

Thu. Jan 10, 2:56pm

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i just picked up a fabulous pair of headphones from wal-mart. they have the things that go behind the ear to stay on. I run on the treadmill at home and they never fall off!

Thursday, January 10, 2008, 3:01 PM

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PP what brand and how much?

Thursday, January 10, 2008, 3:20 PM

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Traditional over-the-head band headphones - get a tight fit or else they'll jostle off.

Earbuds - not fond of this style in any case, but they don't stay in well when you get a good sweat going.

Over the ear - I really like this style, but the major drawback is the way the wires can take several minutes to untangle. Yeah, this happens with earbuds too, but these have more places for the wires to get tangled and it's not so easy to get the bigger pieces through. Took me ages yesterday - I was already 4 minutes into my treadmill routine.

Behind the head banded headphones - in my opinion, the best for working out. The over-the-ear loops keep them from slipping off when sweaty, and they don't tangle up too badly.

I personally don't buy good headphones (more than $15) because I lose a couple of pairs a year.

Thursday, January 10, 2008, 3:31 PM

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I love the Sony sport ones - they are over the ear. I just put them on in the locker room and don't fuss with them during my workout. Generally that's where I take them off too, so I wrap them neatly around my mp3 player and they stay fairly tangle-free. They have an extra long cord which I like because I don't like to exercise with my player clipped to me, or if I'm outside I like to route the cord through my clothing.

I've tried the phlips ones but they weren't as comfortable, and personally I'm not crazy about the over-the-head ones because they can bounce off or not fit right if my hair is in a topknot.

Thursday, January 10, 2008, 3:59 PM

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This is 3:01 checking in.

I can't remember the brand, but they were $12.00 and I LOVE THEM because they are comfortable. Plus, because they aren't inside your ears, you can still hear background noises (oncoming cars, screaming kids, etc.)

Thursday, January 10, 2008, 4:08 PM

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this thread has a lot of great brand suggestions.


Thursday, January 10, 2008, 6:35 PM

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it depends on how much you want to spend and how important sound quality is to you. i recently bought the V-Moda Vibe $99 headphones in chrome red, and they are amazing! they sound good and stay in my ears for the hours of pounding i put on my feet running. they have different size gaskets so you get a perfect fit inside your ears.

Friday, January 11, 2008, 11:30 AM

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i see they have spoken again and posted another old thread because we're damned for asking for new information for all the great new members who started for 2008.

Friday, January 11, 2008, 11:35 AM

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at least they were pleasant about it. i'm sure they were just trying to help. i am the original poster and thought i had searched--i guess i hadn't searched well enough! thanks everybody!!!

Friday, January 11, 2008, 2:10 PM

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