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When did you....
When did you start to lose weight
Thu. Jan 19, 5:51pm
Not for at least 3 weeks. I thought I was dieting but I clearly wasn't after I looked at my logs. Took me a while to get serious.
Thursday, January 19, 2006, 5:59 PM
but I have been good for two weeks. Slipped once and I have lost maybe a pound. I was 5 days a week 20 minutes a day, i walk over a mile some days 3 miles and I do half an hour of workout three days a week (not this week I have felt under the weather) but last week I did.
Thursday, January 19, 2006, 6:07 PM
Looks like you've been working out but food choices are a large part of losing weight and seeing a difference. How have you changed your choices?
Thursday, January 19, 2006, 6:08 PM
I stay well under a 1000 calories.
I eat chicken
whole wheat breads
no oils
only pam spray
NO DRESSINGS unless they are fat free
sugar free treats
TONS of water and vegetables.
I suppose everyone is different huh?
I just need someone to tell me if I'm doing good or bad, as childish as that sounds it makes a world of difference.
PLUS I also weighed myself later in the day after i ate and drank, so dosn't that put a few pounds back on....water weight?
Thursday, January 19, 2006, 6:10 PM
well under a 1000 calories is TOO low. Your body is in starvation mode. Thoughts? I know others may have opinions here.
Thursday, January 19, 2006, 6:11 PM
I mean the foods I eat are very filling. lots of chicken and whole greats
fruits and vegetables till I'm full. and for some reason I manage to stay underneath because all the foods I eat are very healthy and low cal
Thursday, January 19, 2006, 6:12 PM
The lowest that is safe and healthy is nothing under 1200 calories. Your body is probably telling you something since your not losing weight. You need to bump up your calorie intake and then you might start seeing some changes. If you are going to lose weight you have to make smart and healthy choices.
Thursday, January 19, 2006, 7:29 PM
But I am eating fruits and vegetables, proteins and whole wheat
I treat myself to ff,sf pudding and I exersize (walk 30 minutes 5 days a week)
I eat till I am full and sometimes yes i am a bit hungry but i barely ever let that happen. I did weigh myself AFTER i ATE AND DRANK so it could just be water weight. I have around 100 pounds to lose so I don't think I should be constintly eating, only on my meal times and fruits and vegetables as snacks.
Thursday, January 19, 2006, 7:33 PM
more info
I think we need more info. How much do you weigh, how long have you been trying to lose, what's your typical day?
Thursday, January 19, 2006, 7:58 PM
Not eating enough, even if it is healthy food, can do the opposite of what you want. Also, try changing your exercise routine: try jogging for 30 seconds or a couple of minutes, or changing your route if your walking around the neighborhood.
Also, stick to weighing at the same time of day and under the same conditions. I prefer to weigh myself 1st thing Fri. am naked.
Thursday, January 19, 2006, 7:59 PM
I also have 100 pounds to lose and if you want to take it off and keep it off then you are going to have to make smarter choices about how much you eat. I eat 1200 calories a day, drink 64 oz of water, and workout 6 times a week for 30 minutes each time. Even though I am eating 1200 Calories I am still dropping weight. I lost 6 lbs the first week and a half alone and then stopped for 4 days and lost nothing and now I am losing again. Eating 1200 Calories a day is not going to stop you from losing weight, it will give you the energy you need to work out and get through your day. It also gives you enough so your body doesn't go into starvation mode and start holding on to your fat. I don't care how tall a person is or how much weight they have to lose, eating under 1200 calories is a risky goal. Even if you have been able to go with under 1200 Calories for awhile it will soon wear on you. Make the smart decision. Why put your self through unnecissary sacrafices that will only fail and potentialy harm you?
Thursday, January 19, 2006, 8:07 PM
UMM.. your body is going into anaerobic metabolism. Less than 1200 cals causes your body to go into starvation mode, even if you are eating "healthy" foods. Meaning, anything that you eat, your body is going to store because it isn't getting enough cals. to maintain proper body function and provide enough "fuel" for you to go about doing your daily activities, such as, walking up the stairs etc.. Keeping this up will eventually cause not only VERY UNHEALTHY weightloss, but also severe muscle loss, because the body has to use something. Think anorexic.
Hope this helps
Thursday, January 19, 2006, 9:38 PM
Check out this article from Shape magazine for more info. Here is an excerpt:
4. what is the lowest, yet still safe, calorie level I can drop to when I'm trying to lose weight?
"Women should not consume less than 1,200 calories a day," Brownell cautions. In fact, a diet below 1,000 calories a day (called a very low-calorie diet or VLCD) increases your risk for gallstones and heart problems and should be followed only by obese people under a doctor's supervision.
While you can drop to 1,200 calories per day and survive, doing so is not a smart idea. Going for a bare-minimum caloric intake may yield quick results, but it also can leave you listless and unable to exercise (key to keeping the pounds off), and may lead to muscle loss and a slowing of your metabolism. Even if you're careful about what you eat, a daily intake of 1,200 calories can shortchange you on important nutrients such as calcium and folate.
Your best bet for success: a moderate calorie cut such as the one Foreyt recommends. That way you'll stay healthy and still have energy for an active lifestyle.
Thursday, January 19, 2006, 9:46 PM
There has been lots of research that shows the slower you lose the weight, the more likely you are to keep it off. You should aim for approximately 2 pounds lost per week, which works out to be about a 1000-calorie defecit from maintenance per day.
Other research has shown that people have the most success maintaining weight loss if they exercise a lot. Start getting in the habit now - you're going to need exercise eventually!
Thursday, January 19, 2006, 9:49 PM
exercise more
Although I admit I haven't been at all good about exercising recently, when I had my biggest weight loss it was precipitated by a lot of exercise (a couple hours at a time, several days a week). Find something you like, something fun (aerobics classes are pretty fun) -- and the food issue will take care of itself, because when you are pushing your body, your body will demand what it needs. The nice thing is that muscles burn calories for you while you're exercising AND while you're not. Also, feeling stronger builds a better relationship with your body and empowers you to try all kinds of new things, in different areas of your life.
(Here's an easy start -- every few blocks of your walk, try jogging a block -- gradually ramp up.I started very slow but gradually got much stronger.) Good luck!
Friday, January 20, 2006, 1:16 AM
Lightbulb moment fo rme!
I could never understand why I was having such a hard time losing weight. I joined Weighless (Weight Watchers equivalent in SA) with about 11 kg to lose to reach my goal weigh of 58. My goal weight was adjusted twice in 2 years, first to 62kg, and then to 64kg, because I couldn't reach that ultimate goalweight and it made me very depressed and demotivated me. But let me explain my lightbulb moment...
We never did calorie counting, you follow the prescribed Zone formulas and viola - weighloss. The Zone 1, where you start, is a very healthy 1200-1300 calories - so I learned after doing my own calorie counting in these last few days. So, I went back to my previous food diaries and checked what i was eating against what the actaul calorie count was. Oh My! I was eating only 700 - 800 caloreis per day - no wonder the weight didn't come off, I was starving my body. I was eating all my allocated 'points' = 5 portions carbs, 3 protein, 3 veg, 3 fruit, 2 fat and 2 milk. But the calorie value of the food i was selecting wasn't nearly enough!
So hopelfully from now on I can make better educated choices!! AND LOSE THE WEIGHT!!
Friday, January 20, 2006, 5:58 AM
I couldn't agree more- "well under 1000 calories" is just asking for a slow metabolism and no weight loss. Not only that, but then when you allow yourself to indulge or overeat for any reason, you'll be more likely to gain weight because of the slower metabolism.
Friday, January 20, 2006, 8:21 AM
To the very first post... I joined PEERtrainer last May, determined to lose weight, and I didn't actually start losing pounds until September! I lost 5lbs between September and November, and I've pretty much maintained since then (maybe down 1lb since then), but my body has changed a LOT! I dropped a solid clothing size, and, I feel muscles around my body that I definitely didn't used to feel! So, even if the weight isn't really coming off, if you're eating healthy (1200 cals a day, at least), you still may be losing lots of fat.
**I only had about 10lbs to lose when I started, so, admittedly, my numbers are disproportionate to what yours will be if you begin eating healthily (quantity and quality) and exercising regularly.
Friday, January 20, 2006, 10:22 AM
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