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disturbing observation

I've just realized, even if I've eaten exactly as my plan calls for, If i'm still thinking about food alot, I FEEL as if I've "done bad" and feel like a failure when in reality, if I look at my logs, i'm exactly where I want to be. Anyone else ever feel like this? WHen i have felt like this before i've had that "whatever" attitude and just started to eat whatever i wanted in large quantitys. Now i'm trying to say HEY its FINE take it easy.

Tue. Jan 8, 1:35pm

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I can relate to the frustration of thinking about food a lot and feeling like a failure. And I've certainly fallen for the "whatever" attitude.
Getting involved in something is really helpful for me. And, HEY, it IS FINE. Take it easy, but don't let your guard down.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008, 1:52 PM

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Yeah, sometimes I feel I'm way over thinking about the food. So, instead focus on food, I started exercise, like training for a distance. This way, my focus is how how far I've progressed physically -- have I run faster, lift more ways, walked further than last time. And eating now is secondary and only as way to fuel me to help me perform better physically. By emphasis less on the food, I'm also more relaxed if I eat whatever occasionally.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008, 2:10 PM

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Whenever I try to "diet" I find that I think about food more than ever before. This time is a little bit different. I went and bought a bunch of snack food, Quaker rice mini snacks (cheddar cheese is awesome), 100 calorie packs and so on. The first two days that I had it I definitely ate more of it than I should have but now I know they are there whenever I want them and I don't think about it near as much. I am counting calories and I've been full and have only gone over my goal once this week and only by a little!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008, 2:17 PM

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I know exactly what the OP is talking about. I do a pretty good job staying on track, but I think about food all the time. Like, every couple of minutes. It's really annoying. One thing that helps me is reading inspirational blogs. Here's a great site I just came across after reading the latest issue of People magazine:


Tuesday, January 8, 2008, 9:22 PM

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I have the opposite problem :( I set out to do weel, and make an effort all day... but I slip here and there, have some cake, and extra snack, forget to go to the gym or go to a happy hour..... but because I have had it on my mind all day how well I am planning on doing and my diet... I think I am doing well.

and then I weigh way too much.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008, 10:19 PM

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I have that same problem. It can be so frustrating. Even when you know you are eating healthy and correct portions it feels like too much and like you said food is on your mind ALL the time. It is so annoying. But come to think of it food was on my mind all the time before too. I was just eating whatever I was thinking about.
No OP you are not alone.

Thursday, January 10, 2008, 2:12 PM

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OP here -thanks so much everyone, somehow i don't feel like such a freak anymore lol I really appreciate it! ; )

Thursday, January 10, 2008, 2:35 PM

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Find a reality check

I feel that way all the time.. At the end of each day, I call my mom for a reality check and tell her what I have eaten for the day.. That way, I can have someone else tell me how well I did for emphasis..

Thursday, January 10, 2008, 2:52 PM

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