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Dealing with weight gain while mourning

I recently lost my mother and have gained almost 20 pounds since the end of September (when she became ill). That is an average of 5 pounds a month. I am having a difficult time not using food to fill the void that her passing has left me.

Anyone already go through something like this and if so, HELP!!

Tue. Jan 8, 12:08pm

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I haven't gone through that. However, I have dealt with emotional disorders for much of my life and what has helped me over the past couple years is seeing a therapist. I kept gaining an average of 6 pounds every year in 5 years. But I've slowly been able to regain my life and take charge of my emotional eating. Maybe talking to someone can help?

Tuesday, January 8, 2008, 12:12 PM

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I have been seeing a therapist for over a year. She is awesome and I have gained a great deal in working with her. We have discussed my weight issues and basically it is my addiction and I also use food to be self-destructive. I was doing really well, better than ever in my life until the death. That is just so difficult that I can't seem to get past it.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008, 12:34 PM

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firstly , sorry for your lose.
My husband just lost his one and only aunt almost a month ago and her sister or my mother-in-law is in the same boat gaining weight through stress and filling the void..they were very close and physically only lived a block from each other. My advice to her was to offer up the foods she desires for the repose of her sister's soul..ya know could also do a race in memory of her and walk/run a local race..make a mission to let her memory live on you can even tell her story to a fellow competitor make a t-shirt for your race ...I bet your mom would not only be honored but proud! Good luck..I wish you peace

Tuesday, January 8, 2008, 5:26 PM

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I also lost my mom last year, and at the time I was a bout 157. I realized it would be really easy for me to gain weight, but I sort of had this realization that no matter how much I ate it wouldn't bring my mom back and wouldn't make me feel better. I tried to concentrate on my own health, including increaasing my exercising because I knew it would help with depression. So maybe take some long walks and see if that helps you with the blues a little bit. And remember, your loved ones would want you to be healthy.

I also began going to a hospice-sponsored grief therapy group. It helps a little, even if some of the people are annoying. Good luck!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008, 11:19 AM

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Emotional eating is a hard thing to work past. But reconizing it is the first step. The only thing I can suggest is when you notice that you are trying to fill that void be consiously aware that you are being self destructive. Choose to make a better choice and be proud of yourself for it. And know that your loved one would be proud of you for making a possitive choice in the midst of your pain.
Best wishes

Wednesday, January 16, 2008, 3:14 PM

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