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I need help please

I have always being a big guy, but every since I started working in a office I have gained a lot of weight very fast. I feel very fat. I feel like I have no control over what I eat and I am almost afarid of walking down the street because I think people will judge me badly. Most of the time I try and avoid public places. I dont know what to do and I need someones help. I dont know how to diet or even the right way to exercise. I know you must is thinking that is a stupid statement but its the truth. The only exercise I get is lifting a dumbell in my room, and my idea of dieting is eating nothing until I nearly faint. If anyone can please offer some advice please, it would be greatly appericated.

Fri. Jan 4, 5:08pm

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You've Taken The First Step

Congratulations, just by logging onto PT, you have already started to in the right direction.
Diet and exercise can be challenging, and thats where I believe in reading up about it. Everyone has a plan / book / advice, you have to find what will work for you. Go to a bookstore and browse the health / nutrition section, until something catches your eye, read up on weight watchers, jenny craig etc ... each one has their finer points.
As as far as exercise - walking is the best place to start if you are sedentry,

I started by reading a lot of health magazines. They give great tips on diet, eating healthy, metabolism, health, and exercise whether it be at the gym or on your own. It gave me the confidence to decide what will work for me, I ended up joining a gym and it was the best thing that I could have done.
Good Luck

Friday, January 4, 2008, 5:18 PM

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First I think you need to stop thinking so badly of yourself. With that sort of thinking you project that sort of light on yourself and you also make yourself feel worse, which does nothing to help you make better choices and decisions. Second, you are the one who controls what you eat and when you eat. No one knows how to diet but we all the the healthier choices over the bad. Start choosing things like chicken over beef, fish and turkey, things that aren't fried or smothered in sauces, eat more veggies and fruits, eating an apple before a meal saves you from eating more. Start eating good whole grains, brown rice, quinoa,wheat pasta, dense grain breads that sort of stuff. Drink lots of water and cut out soda or juices if you drink them. Above all else stop hiding. Thinking your hiding away makes things worse, which in turn makes you feel worse and enables you to turn to food for comfort. Maybe there is someone at work you can buddy up with and exercise with? You don't need to do everything at once, pick something small, maybe you start by eating at least 3 fruits a day or 4 veggies. Maybe you start by eliminating fried foods or fast foods. But pick something and stick with it for a few weeks until you feel comfortable doing it and the incorporate another thing. Set small goals that are realistic and attainable. Maybe there is a woman at the office who might need to lose some weight also, maybe you can walk with her at lunch or after walk, women seem more open to that. Whatever you do don't starve yourself. Its not good for you or your body, you take the chance of putting your body into starvation mode and then it just wants to hold onto the fat.

Friday, January 4, 2008, 5:24 PM

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You're so honest about your plight and I think that you have taken an incredible first step. I almost got tears when you said you're afraid of the street. You don't have to live in fear. Start looking at the public logs, they are real people like you who have been or are where you are.


Friday, January 4, 2008, 5:57 PM

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Check out Men's Health

I love this magazine and online resource. I'm always inspired by the Before and After stories, they have great exercise regimens, eating plans, nutrition and weight loss articles. It's a great place to check out.

Also, check out the link and you'll see lots of guys who started off just like you, and you'll be inspired by the changes they made.


Friday, January 4, 2008, 6:12 PM

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The biggest thing for me was getting myself motivated for excercise. I always said to myself "if only I had someone to do it with...." . I had to finally ACCEPT that with or without someone, ONLY I could make it happen for myself. So, as much desire as I had to excercise, I couldn't get my body to do it. I too became very sedentary, and it just became a snare that made it harder to get motivated.

Finally, with a prayer, I asked God to help me. I told him I couldn't do it alone. I started with only five minutes at home. That was my goal. Little baby steps were my biggest goals for excercise. It's a mental battle at first. Then the 5 minutes turned into 8 min, then 10, then 15, before I knew it I was up to an hour doing cardio and I finally joined a gym.

YOU WILL DO IT. GOD IS A RESPECTER OF NO PERSONS. I believe that he will help you too. YOU ARE WORTH IT !!!!

I had to do it for the sake of energy. I was always tired. As soon as you start those first faithful steps toward your goal, be it small steps, you will begin to notice the change mentally and physically..................

Please keep us posted......................

Friday, January 4, 2008, 8:35 PM

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