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NEW type of thread on alli

Ok, I did a search on alli and read every single comment, negative and positive. But I still have some questions. I want to hear from the people who are/were on it. NOT the people who read about it or heard of it, or heard someone tell a joke about it. I also don't want to hear from the people that think that diet pills (and anything other than celery and hours of cardio) are terrible ways to drop some pounds. I read all the judgments already. I have not made up my mind about taking this or not but I would really like to hear people that have real experience with it. Good AND bad.

Now :) having said that... If you are or were on alli, how did it effect you? Did it help or hurt? How was your personal experience with weight loss. How about the oily poop issue? Was it terrible? How about the price? Would you do it over again? Does alcohol seem to affect you differently?

I am a 26 year old female, 5'5, 180lbs that runs and goes to they gym often. I have sweet tooth and do almost all of my own cooking and rarely eat out.

Thanks everyone in advance for all the polite posts that only address the questions asked and for not posting nasty comments about how everyone that isn't on a macrobiotic diet is going to hell. :)

Fri. Jan 4, 3:12pm

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and the alli spammers are back! Happy new year! We missed you.

Friday, January 4, 2008, 3:36 PM

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sounds like an honest question to me

Friday, January 4, 2008, 3:41 PM

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I am very curious about this too. thank you poster for brining this up!


Saturday, January 5, 2008, 11:58 AM

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Hi. I've been taking Alli since July. I haven't had one "treatment effect" what-so-ever. No oily poops, no soiled panties, nothing.
Yes, I would do it all over again. With Alli, a low fat/low cal diet and regular cardio each week, I've averaged a little over a 2 lb weight loss per week. Did weight fall off at a record pace? No. Is Alli a miracle drug? No. However, I have a very slow, crappy metabolism and I think the Alli definitely helped me to continually see regular results. I did all of the hard work required to lose weight, but I do think Alli has given me that extra boost, or extra edge that I wouldn't have had otherwise.
Whatever you decide to do, good luck! I hope 2008 holds improved health for you!

Saturday, January 5, 2008, 12:24 PM

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I took Alli for almost 2 months, the initial "threat" of treament effects kept me eating properly, however, that didn't last long. Once I started eating lousy (high fat) food again, I was having to run to the bathroom, DID soak through 2 pairs of pants (sorry I know that is gross LOL) just by farting! That being said, I didn't follow the recommended plan, I ate the bad stuff and that is what happened. It is scientifically proven to absorb some of the fat you eat so your body doesn't absorb it so why not? I would consider taking it again but, it is pretty expensive. I think if you want to take it you should - why not stack all the cards in your favor?

Saturday, January 5, 2008, 3:44 PM

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I take Alli when I know I'm eating out or something that isn't in my regular eating plan. You need to have some fat in your diet to lose fat and my plan is already very low fat so I thought taking it all the time may defeat some of the purpose. So, I have it and will continue to take it if I eat a "normal" meal that is higher in fat than I usually consume. Usually only once or twice a week. No side affects at all. The only time I did we had gone to a japanese steak house for a party, I wasn't watching the cook in front of us and he had put a ton of butter in the rice he was cooking, (my daughter later told me this) I felt those effects not the next day but the day after. Nothing major though like the above poster. I have a friend who is a guy who takes it all the time and eats whatever he wants and yes he did lose weight but he also admitted to having to leave work a couple of times due to the treatment affects. Therefore, if you keep your fat grams under 15 per meal you will be fine and the supplement will help you. I may start taking mine a little more as I only have 8 more pounds to lose and now it's going VERY slowly, I'm hoping the Alli will give me the boost I need if I take it a bit more.
Good luck with whatever you decide.

Saturday, January 5, 2008, 5:44 PM

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I have taken it for 3 mo and have lost 25 pounds. No effects of it are bad, If I have to eat something that may cause me problems due to a party or going out to eat I skip that pill. I love it! I'm 5'2 and started at 190, I am still on it and doing good...

Saturday, January 5, 2008, 6:05 PM

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Just started on alli on Saturday. So far so good! No treatment effects yet. Will keep you posted.

Monday, January 14, 2008, 9:38 AM

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why don't I believe this? Why was it resurrected? Alli marketers, find another forum to plug your stuff. I believe in healthy food and exercise, not some chemical crap that alters my body chemistry and who knows whatever else it does.

Monday, January 14, 2008, 9:50 AM

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I have taken Alli off and on for a few months. It does force you to change your eating habits. I am following weight watchers and never really have a the "soupy" bowel movements unless I eat foods that are not good for me. You have to stay away from fried foods, or you will be embarressed. The sudden bowel movements are SUDDEN. If it is something that you can afford, then I would reccommend it. It is just a lower dose of prescription Orlistat, that has been prescribed by doctors for years.

Monday, January 14, 2008, 10:07 AM

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I am the one who posted the comment 'ressurecting' this thread and I do not work for anything that could possibly be related to alli, food, drugs or anything. And the OP asked specifically for people like you to keep your completely irrevelant comments to yourself.

I think alli is a great idea. It's will power in a bottle! I am not taking it as a miracle pill at all. I understand the side effects and know how to eat to avoid them. This is the will power I need to not hit the drive thru on the way home from work, or to really only have a bite of that dessert, or to eat half the sandwich, order a salad instead of a burger... etc.

I think that anyone that has anything negative to say about the concept of alli should just keep on to the next thread, this one isn't for you. But, iIf you have tried it and have a negative opinion, please, tell us about it!

Monday, January 14, 2008, 10:27 AM

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My friend was on xenical which was the same medication but it had to be prescribed by a doctor. She lost weight, but honestly every time she ate fatty foods, chips & so forth, even lettuce, when she passed gas she shit herself. She couldn't control it at any point. She said it got to the point where the oil would just drip out of her anus. Not sure if this is your answer, but I hope I am somewhat of a help.

Monday, January 14, 2008, 11:32 AM

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CLA 3:52

OK, I take Alli just like the Saturday 5:54 poster. When I go out to eat and don't have any real control over ingredients. Or when I am at parties with munchies, or when I have to have that pizza. Maybe once or twice a week. I was taking it religiously in the begining but I didn't really see any notable changes. There is however, going to be lets call it "evidence" of the oily food you ate in the toilet. I haven't had any of the horror stories others have had. This is not one of those drugs you have to build up an effectiveness for. With its price, I am definitely glad of that. I don't eat that much fatty food anyway so it isn't going to be a miracle cure for me. My weight loss has not been affected by Alli one bit. So like all things in the diet world I suggest moderation.

Monday, January 14, 2008, 12:06 PM

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