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Free Food

Do you ever find yourself eating too much at parties, or lunch buffets; potlucks, or events with free food?

Well I always have that problem. I don't really have that much money and I think, it's free, EAT!

And then one of my friends who is doing this with me told me,

oh, so if someone said, here, you can gain a pound for free, would you take it?

Free Fat! Hooray!

So... I hope this will keep me from overdoing it at lunch today, and I hope this helps someone else, too.

Thu. Jan 19, 11:24am

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Wow. I'm a grad student so I totally sympathize. The fact that it's free totally overwhelms my sense of proportion - and even taste. How many times have I gone to a department party catered by the university dining hall and eaten greasy hors d'oeuvres that taste like salt and not much else - just because they were free?

I'll try to remember that free fat idea.


Thursday, January 19, 2006, 2:02 PM

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I LOVE THIS! This is sooooooo true. I need it because I am offered free food every week and because it's free, I don't think twice. Thank you for this reminder :)

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 2:30 PM

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(Hand raised)

Guilty! I am a teacher and there is food lurking I ate a piece of "vegan chocolate cake" that a student brought me from Cooking class.


Thursday, January 19, 2006, 2:45 PM

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Oh heck yeah! And i also ask myself "Have you ever gone hungry?" The answer is actually 'yes', but it's been years since I was in any danger of that!

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 4:10 PM

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Last night, I was lucky enough to watch a hockey game from a corporate box. They have free food (hot dogs, chicken fingers, wraps, chips/dip/salsa, cheese and crackers, nuts, etc.), a fully stocked bar w/ tons of beer, soda, and hard alcohol, and a dessert cart comes around w/ cakes, cookies, ice cream sundaes, etc., and it's all just sitting there, free for the taking! We got there in the 2nd period, and I swear, I didn't see anyone eat anything, except when the dessert cart came around! I saw people drink, but, the bowls of chips, nuts, etc., and hot trays of food just sat there! If other people had been eating, I would've eaten a ton! How do some people sit for hours in front of a bowl of chips and not munch the whole time?! It's so incredible to me!

Friday, January 20, 2006, 10:47 AM

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to the last p

I think it has to do with social behavior, the power of groups, and also work noshing. When people are acting put together, and even demonstrating snobbery towards what is served I think i am always likely to copy their behavior without even realizing it! ESPECIALLY if there are superiors there.

Friday, January 20, 2006, 11:21 AM

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Whenever I'm around free food it's usually at a work function and for some stupid reason I'm more self conscious about myself and my behavior. I always overeat to have something to do with my hands. Sounds strange even as I type it. I wish a glass of water would do the trick. It would be much easier. Also, I have this scarcity mentality that I won't get to taste one, all the hors doeuvres will be gone. It's helpful to write this down!

Saturday, January 21, 2006, 8:22 AM

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