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Letting go on weekends

I always seem to do really well with eating Monday to Friday at noon. Does anyone have any tips for ways I can treat myself without blowing it all friday and saturday?

Fri. Jan 4, 10:15am

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I'm terrible about this too. My answer has been to become an outdoors junkie. I get out of the house (and away from the fridge). I try to go at it hard enough so that if I go out to eat - it's offset by how much hiking/skiiing/snowshoeing/etc I've been doing. I do find that all that activity makes me want to eat healthier food not 'comfort food' which I only seem to want when I'm laying around being sluggish. Getting out and being more active on the weekends has really paid off in more ways than just helping me stay in shape. Now I am much more efficient during the week so I can make sure I have time for my activities, I have met more people, it helps me destress from the week, and I have actually started to see myself as someone who is athletic. Plus it helps keep that weekend binging under control.

When I can't get out into the outdoors, I still fill the weekend with lunch dates, walking and/or coffee with friends, play dates with the nephew, shopping, etc.. I have to stay out of the house or I just eat eat eat! I'm pretty good during the week with my routine, but weekends are tough if I don't plan some activities.

Friday, January 4, 2008, 1:59 PM

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I work out Saturday morning and Sunday morning. If I've worked out I feel bad about wasting all that sweat by cheating during the day. If I haven't worked out then I'll eat like crazy and tell myself I'll burn it off the next day.. whichi I don't always do.

Friday, January 4, 2008, 2:27 PM

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I mkae dates to work out. that way the night before I dont drink- or hardly at all, then once I am on the kick i'm good to go. Having someone else counting on me really helps!

Friday, January 4, 2008, 2:41 PM

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tomorrow I have scheduled a massage. I love nothing more than a massage after a good workout. So I plan to go skiing tonight after work and to Bally in the morning. I know if I get a good burn going- I will reap the benefits in the afternoon. yippea!

Friday, January 4, 2008, 2:43 PM

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love the outdoor junkie's post. I will make that a point to just be outdoors for at least 4 hours each day - Sat and Sun. I think I am running indoors too much. Great suggestion!

Friday, January 4, 2008, 3:40 PM

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