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is sushi bad for you?

I find myself getting the "crunchy" rolls now, not tempura but I'm sure it's little tempura flakes and I'm starting to think I'm eating fried food.

Thu. Jan 3, 12:48pm

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Sushi is not bad for you, assuming you are eating good sushi. Some places make rolls and then roll it in panko flakes for a little added crunch, not a bad thing for some extra texture. If you were eating something fried I would imagine you'd actually know, you'd be able to taste it. But if your worried about it don't eat those kinds of rolls or just ask. Try the individual pieces of sushi, just the fish over rice. But really you are eating more carbs by eating the rice then anything else, unless you eat the tempura. But sushi is a good healthy food. I'm glad is is finslly so popular. I've been eating it since the 80's.

Thursday, January 3, 2008, 12:56 PM

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Crunchy roll contains tempura. It's fried shrimp.
Actually, sushi contains a lot more rice than you would think because they pack the rice tightly. I usually try to stick to sashimi.

Thursday, January 3, 2008, 1:21 PM

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I agree with the PP. Or since regular sushi is cheaper, I leave more than half of the rice on my plate.
I also start with the soup and salad to fill me up more. and lots of water.

Thursday, January 3, 2008, 4:48 PM

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I have a friend who is a sushi prep and he said that the sushi with the fish on top, I forget the name, usually is about a tablespoon of rice. The rolls have more rice to them.

Thursday, January 3, 2008, 10:16 PM

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term PP forgot: Nigiri sushi, FYI.
And watch out for gyoza (potstickers) - about 80 cals each!

Thursday, January 3, 2008, 11:22 PM

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Dear GOD friend,
The only foods that are forbidden to eat is located in the Old Testament in the Bible. Other than that, Sushi is OK. Like anythingelse regardless of the carbohydrate content, is portion control. If you want to know about calories, I would try to go with California sushi before tempura sushi. I know....i know....Tempura is yummy but oily. With the California roll, be careful of overeating the avocado. Avocado is just a fattening. I think the fat is hidden just because Avocado is a fruit/vegetable. Good Luck!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 12:40 AM

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