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How do you find the time to workout when you have a toddler?

I'm always tired but I'm not naive. I know all of the running around after her is not really working out. I need to get to the gym but find myself tired by the end of the day. Getting up early seems even more insane. Any ideas?

Thu. Jan 19, 10:12am

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Buy a small piece of exercise equipment for your house. There's an elliptical trainer from Sharper Image that's about $150, and can slide under a bed when you're not using it. It'll be cheaper than an initiation fee to a gym, or at least no more than a few months of membership. Then, pull it out and put it in front of your favorite tv show or movie while the toddler is napping. It'll actually give you more energy than lying down for those couple hours!

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 10:34 AM

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Buy a small piece of exercise equipment for your house. There's an elliptical trainer from Sharper Image that's about $150, and can slide under a bed when you're not using it. It'll be cheaper than an initiation fee to a gym, or at least no more than a few months of membership. Then, pull it out and put it in front of your favorite tv show or movie while the toddler is napping. It'll actually give you more energy than lying down for those couple hours!

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 10:34 AM

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Buy a small piece of exercise equipment for your house. There's an elliptical trainer from Sharper Image that's about $150, and can slide under a bed when you're not using it. It'll be cheaper than an initiation fee to a gym, or at least no more than a few months of membership. Then, pull it out and put it in front of your favorite tv show or movie while the toddler is napping. It'll actually give you more energy than lying down for those couple hours!

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 10:34 AM

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Hmmm...If you live in a city, maybe you could choose a new park to go to thats a little far away from your home and walk her there with the stroller at the same time everyday or a couple days a week. If you live in a rural area, even better walk to the play ground instead of drive. Its hard for moms with small kids to get any time for a pilates class or even a home work out video but every calorie counts, so try to add more calorie burn to each of your daily tasks. Walking works wonders AND from my own experience long walks in the stroller usually end up with a napping child which means after your walk you and her can both nap! Also try to find a regular sitter or playdate for even one day a week...saturday from 12-3 for example....and go to the gym for an hour or so, it may not be a huge change but it will add up!

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 10:37 AM

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Hmmm...If you live in a city, maybe you could choose a new park to go to thats a little far away from your home and walk her there with the stroller at the same time everyday or a couple days a week. If you live in a rural area, even better walk to the play ground instead of drive. Its hard for moms with small kids to get any time for a pilates class or even a home work out video but every calorie counts, so try to add more calorie burn to each of your daily tasks. Walking works wonders AND from my own experience long walks in the stroller usually end up with a napping child which means after your walk you and her can both nap! Also try to find a regular sitter or playdate for even one day a week...saturday from 12-3 for example....and go to the gym for an hour or so, it may not be a huge change but it will add up!

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 10:37 AM

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Hmmm...If you live in a city, maybe you could choose a new park to go to thats a little far away from your home and walk her there with the stroller at the same time everyday or a couple days a week. If you live in a rural area, even better walk to the play ground instead of drive. Its hard for moms with small kids to get any time for a pilates class or even a home work out video but every calorie counts, so try to add more calorie burn to each of your daily tasks. Walking works wonders AND from my own experience long walks in the stroller usually end up with a napping child which means after your walk you and her can both nap! Also try to find a regular sitter or playdate for even one day a week...saturday from 12-3 for example....and go to the gym for an hour or so, it may not be a huge change but it will add up!

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 10:37 AM

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I go to a gym that has child care hours. This is crucial to my ability to workout properly. It gives me a break from my child and a physical release.

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 2:36 PM

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I go to a gym that has child care hours. This is crucial to my ability to workout properly. It gives me a break from my child and a physical release.

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 2:36 PM

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I go to a gym that has child care hours. This is crucial to my ability to workout properly. It gives me a break from my child and a physical release.

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 2:36 PM

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Another option might be to get together with a group of other stay at home moms. You could meet up at someone's home around "nap time" and one mom would stay with the sleeping kids while the other moms took a power walk around the block or some other kind of activity. You could trade off the "babysitter" role so that you all get to work out uninterrupted once or twice a week.

I'm not a mom (although I HAVE babysat large numbers of children) so it might not be super realistic but it might be a starting point.

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 3:28 PM

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Another option might be to get together with a group of other stay at home moms. You could meet up at someone's home around "nap time" and one mom would stay with the sleeping kids while the other moms took a power walk around the block or some other kind of activity. You could trade off the "babysitter" role so that you all get to work out uninterrupted once or twice a week.

I'm not a mom (although I HAVE babysat large numbers of children) so it might not be super realistic but it might be a starting point.

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 3:28 PM

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Another option might be to get together with a group of other stay at home moms. You could meet up at someone's home around "nap time" and one mom would stay with the sleeping kids while the other moms took a power walk around the block or some other kind of activity. You could trade off the "babysitter" role so that you all get to work out uninterrupted once or twice a week.

I'm not a mom (although I HAVE babysat large numbers of children) so it might not be super realistic but it might be a starting point.

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 3:28 PM

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I have to agree with the above post. Finding a gym with a daycare is awesome. I joined Gold's gym in my area. My daughter LOVES going to the gym because she gets to be social with all the kids. Plus she usually makes me a nice picture to hang up at home while she is there. She actually motivates me to go =)

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 3:41 PM

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I have to agree with the above post. Finding a gym with a daycare is awesome. I joined Gold's gym in my area. My daughter LOVES going to the gym because she gets to be social with all the kids. Plus she usually makes me a nice picture to hang up at home while she is there. She actually motivates me to go =)

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 3:41 PM

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I have to agree with the above post. Finding a gym with a daycare is awesome. I joined Gold's gym in my area. My daughter LOVES going to the gym because she gets to be social with all the kids. Plus she usually makes me a nice picture to hang up at home while she is there. She actually motivates me to go =)

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 3:41 PM

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I don't know if this has taken off in other cities, or not, but I live in Portland, OR. A woman here started something call "baby bootcamp" , or something very similar.
It's for woman with new babies, who want to get back into working out.
This particular groups meets at a shopping mall, around 8-9am, before the stores open, WITH their babie, and they are led by a trainer through a series of exercises... Some on the floor, on yoga mats, some involve stair climbing, brisk walking through the mall, and those resistance bands.
I think it's a great idea! the malls are so quiet and peaceful before the shops open, and it seems a good way to meet other mothers, work out, and get out of the house some!
it's kind of funny seeing a "gang" of mothers, all pushing those fancy jogging strollers through the mall!

you might want to do some research and see there is such a group in your area, OR, talk with a trainer and start your own!!!
or simply load up the baby and hit the mall by yourselves

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 4:05 PM

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I don't know if this has taken off in other cities, or not, but I live in Portland, OR. A woman here started something call "baby bootcamp" , or something very similar.
It's for woman with new babies, who want to get back into working out.
This particular groups meets at a shopping mall, around 8-9am, before the stores open, WITH their babie, and they are led by a trainer through a series of exercises... Some on the floor, on yoga mats, some involve stair climbing, brisk walking through the mall, and those resistance bands.
I think it's a great idea! the malls are so quiet and peaceful before the shops open, and it seems a good way to meet other mothers, work out, and get out of the house some!
it's kind of funny seeing a "gang" of mothers, all pushing those fancy jogging strollers through the mall!

you might want to do some research and see there is such a group in your area, OR, talk with a trainer and start your own!!!
or simply load up the baby and hit the mall by yourselves

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 4:05 PM

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I don't know if this has taken off in other cities, or not, but I live in Portland, OR. A woman here started something call "baby bootcamp" , or something very similar.
It's for woman with new babies, who want to get back into working out.
This particular groups meets at a shopping mall, around 8-9am, before the stores open, WITH their babie, and they are led by a trainer through a series of exercises... Some on the floor, on yoga mats, some involve stair climbing, brisk walking through the mall, and those resistance bands.
I think it's a great idea! the malls are so quiet and peaceful before the shops open, and it seems a good way to meet other mothers, work out, and get out of the house some!
it's kind of funny seeing a "gang" of mothers, all pushing those fancy jogging strollers through the mall!

you might want to do some research and see there is such a group in your area, OR, talk with a trainer and start your own!!!
or simply load up the baby and hit the mall by yourselves

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 4:05 PM

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Just a note about stay at home moms getting together. I am one and it really doesn't work like that. At least not for me. Actually, I have a very hard time finding other SAHM's. Just because someone stays home with their children doesn't mean they all get together. And it doesn't mean I would leave my child with them. I know you said you're not a parent and your intentions were well meant.

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 4:06 PM

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Just a note about stay at home moms getting together. I am one and it really doesn't work like that. At least not for me. Actually, I have a very hard time finding other SAHM's. Just because someone stays home with their children doesn't mean they all get together. And it doesn't mean I would leave my child with them. I know you said you're not a parent and your intentions were well meant.

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 4:06 PM

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Just a note about stay at home moms getting together. I am one and it really doesn't work like that. At least not for me. Actually, I have a very hard time finding other SAHM's. Just because someone stays home with their children doesn't mean they all get together. And it doesn't mean I would leave my child with them. I know you said you're not a parent and your intentions were well meant.

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 4:06 PM

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Back when I was a toddler, my mother belonged to a group called 20 Mule Team Mommas. They met up once or twice a week and hiked together, carrying their kids in backpack-type cariers. We lived in Colorado at the time, so there were lots of great hikes close by, but maybe instead of hiking, you could go walking or something. Carrying a kid on your back will burn way more calories than pushing them in a stroller. (I know, it only works for a while, then the kid will get too big, but until then, think of it as extra resistence!)

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 4:10 PM

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Back when I was a toddler, my mother belonged to a group called 20 Mule Team Mommas. They met up once or twice a week and hiked together, carrying their kids in backpack-type cariers. We lived in Colorado at the time, so there were lots of great hikes close by, but maybe instead of hiking, you could go walking or something. Carrying a kid on your back will burn way more calories than pushing them in a stroller. (I know, it only works for a while, then the kid will get too big, but until then, think of it as extra resistence!)

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 4:10 PM

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Back when I was a toddler, my mother belonged to a group called 20 Mule Team Mommas. They met up once or twice a week and hiked together, carrying their kids in backpack-type cariers. We lived in Colorado at the time, so there were lots of great hikes close by, but maybe instead of hiking, you could go walking or something. Carrying a kid on your back will burn way more calories than pushing them in a stroller. (I know, it only works for a while, then the kid will get too big, but until then, think of it as extra resistence!)

Thursday, January 19, 2006, 4:10 PM

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I have a 3 and a 4 year old, and I have developed a whole system for how to squeeze in exercise.

I work out first thing in the morning - either with an exercise video or on the treadmill. I found it was much better to do it right after breakfast because that is when they are fresh, well-rested, well-fed and not as needy as later in the day. They have a longer attention span with their toys which they have not played with all night, and they get along with each other better

My treadmill is in the playroom (basement), and I put a play yard gate around it so they can't come near it. At first they didn't like the noise, but now they are used to it.

Also, I allow them to watch one TV show after I am done exercising only if they behave. (This reward only works if you actually do take away this priveledge when they misbehave.) I usually jump in the shower during their TV show, and then we get on with our day! This kind of thing wouldn't work with younger toddlers who don't really understand consequences yet.

There are days when my workouts don't go so well and I have to cut them short, but most of the time it works out OK.


Thursday, January 19, 2006, 6:24 PM

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I have a 3 and a 4 year old, and I have developed a whole system for how to squeeze in exercise.

I work out first thing in the morning - either with an exercise video or on the treadmill. I found it was much better to do it right after breakfast because that is when they are fresh, well-rested, well-fed and not as needy as later in the day. They have a longer attention span with their toys which they have not played with all night, and they get along with each other better

My treadmill is in the playroom (basement), and I put a play yard gate around it so they can't come near it. At first they didn't like the noise, but now they are used to it.

Also, I allow them to watch one TV show after I am done exercising only if they behave. (This reward only works if you actually do take away this priveledge when they misbehave.) I usually jump in the shower during their TV show, and then we get on with our day! This kind of thing wouldn't work with younger toddlers who don't really understand consequences yet.

There are days when my workouts don't go so well and I have to cut them short, but most of the time it works out OK.


Thursday, January 19, 2006, 6:24 PM

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I have a 3 and a 4 year old, and I have developed a whole system for how to squeeze in exercise.

I work out first thing in the morning - either with an exercise video or on the treadmill. I found it was much better to do it right after breakfast because that is when they are fresh, well-rested, well-fed and not as needy as later in the day. They have a longer attention span with their toys which they have not played with all night, and they get along with each other better

My treadmill is in the playroom (basement), and I put a play yard gate around it so they can't come near it. At first they didn't like the noise, but now they are used to it.

Also, I allow them to watch one TV show after I am done exercising only if they behave. (This reward only works if you actually do take away this priveledge when they misbehave.) I usually jump in the shower during their TV show, and then we get on with our day! This kind of thing wouldn't work with younger toddlers who don't really understand consequences yet.

There are days when my workouts don't go so well and I have to cut them short, but most of the time it works out OK.


Thursday, January 19, 2006, 6:24 PM

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I'm a new mom on mat leave and have met other moms like me through some friends and some people from work. We do something similar to something mentioned.

There are six of us, we drag our wee babes over to one mother's house and set up "sleep camp" for the kids. Two moms are assigned guard and the other four go for a run (equipped with a cell phone in case of problems back at HQ). And yes, there HAVE been times when we just get to the corner when we have to turn back for whatever reason but this system works better for us than anything else we've tried. It is AMAZING to get out of the house and be able to speak to an adult during the day. We try to do it twice a week although illness sometimes gets in the way.

I don't know how well this idea would work with children of different ages's just convenient that all my partners are first-time moms, with similar aged babies that sleep often and soundly, with their own vehicles and are therefore able to jet to wherever the meeting point is while bringing all the necessary accoutrements.

Friday, January 20, 2006, 9:08 AM

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I'm a new mom on mat leave and have met other moms like me through some friends and some people from work. We do something similar to something mentioned.

There are six of us, we drag our wee babes over to one mother's house and set up "sleep camp" for the kids. Two moms are assigned guard and the other four go for a run (equipped with a cell phone in case of problems back at HQ). And yes, there HAVE been times when we just get to the corner when we have to turn back for whatever reason but this system works better for us than anything else we've tried. It is AMAZING to get out of the house and be able to speak to an adult during the day. We try to do it twice a week although illness sometimes gets in the way.

I don't know how well this idea would work with children of different ages's just convenient that all my partners are first-time moms, with similar aged babies that sleep often and soundly, with their own vehicles and are therefore able to jet to wherever the meeting point is while bringing all the necessary accoutrements.

Friday, January 20, 2006, 9:08 AM

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I'm a new mom on mat leave and have met other moms like me through some friends and some people from work. We do something similar to something mentioned.

There are six of us, we drag our wee babes over to one mother's house and set up "sleep camp" for the kids. Two moms are assigned guard and the other four go for a run (equipped with a cell phone in case of problems back at HQ). And yes, there HAVE been times when we just get to the corner when we have to turn back for whatever reason but this system works better for us than anything else we've tried. It is AMAZING to get out of the house and be able to speak to an adult during the day. We try to do it twice a week although illness sometimes gets in the way.

I don't know how well this idea would work with children of different ages's just convenient that all my partners are first-time moms, with similar aged babies that sleep often and soundly, with their own vehicles and are therefore able to jet to wherever the meeting point is while bringing all the necessary accoutrements.

Friday, January 20, 2006, 9:08 AM

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I have babysitting at my gym or I ask my husband to watch our children for the hour. It's only 3 times a week and it's my savior. Gives me a lot of patience.

Saturday, January 21, 2006, 8:32 AM

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I have babysitting at my gym or I ask my husband to watch our children for the hour. It's only 3 times a week and it's my savior. Gives me a lot of patience.

Saturday, January 21, 2006, 8:32 AM

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I have babysitting at my gym or I ask my husband to watch our children for the hour. It's only 3 times a week and it's my savior. Gives me a lot of patience.

Saturday, January 21, 2006, 8:32 AM

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I have a 2 yr old and had trouble as well. I now have a treadmill and bike as well as weights at home. I tried the gym's child care but they were always calling to help with her. I now find that I can pop on a video for an hour and do my cadio workout while she watches her little show or sometimes 2 shows. I do my weights for 30 - 45 min while she's napping and then do the other stuff I need to get done around the house. Sometimes I wake before her and do my cardio before she gets up but that is rare. I would suggest that if you can you invest in some equipment for your home.

Saturday, January 21, 2006, 2:51 PM

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I have a 2 yr old and had trouble as well. I now have a treadmill and bike as well as weights at home. I tried the gym's child care but they were always calling to help with her. I now find that I can pop on a video for an hour and do my cadio workout while she watches her little show or sometimes 2 shows. I do my weights for 30 - 45 min while she's napping and then do the other stuff I need to get done around the house. Sometimes I wake before her and do my cardio before she gets up but that is rare. I would suggest that if you can you invest in some equipment for your home.

Saturday, January 21, 2006, 2:51 PM

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I have a 2 yr old and had trouble as well. I now have a treadmill and bike as well as weights at home. I tried the gym's child care but they were always calling to help with her. I now find that I can pop on a video for an hour and do my cadio workout while she watches her little show or sometimes 2 shows. I do my weights for 30 - 45 min while she's napping and then do the other stuff I need to get done around the house. Sometimes I wake before her and do my cardio before she gets up but that is rare. I would suggest that if you can you invest in some equipment for your home.

Saturday, January 21, 2006, 2:51 PM

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When my kids were younger, I had to train them to play without me interfering. while I was on the treadmill. I started with 15 minutes. At first that was thier limit then they would start fighting or want me to put something together or help them. I then added minutes until I was at 45 minutes. Then they watched tv or video for playing so nicedly while I took a quick shower and got dressed. NOw that t hey are older I am having a harder time of it. MOst days I have to be up and dressed to take them to school or run errands. Once dressed with make up on, I have a hard getting a work out in.

Sunday, January 22, 2006, 3:14 PM

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When my kids were younger, I had to train them to play without me interfering. while I was on the treadmill. I started with 15 minutes. At first that was thier limit then they would start fighting or want me to put something together or help them. I then added minutes until I was at 45 minutes. Then they watched tv or video for playing so nicedly while I took a quick shower and got dressed. NOw that t hey are older I am having a harder time of it. MOst days I have to be up and dressed to take them to school or run errands. Once dressed with make up on, I have a hard getting a work out in.

Sunday, January 22, 2006, 3:14 PM

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When my kids were younger, I had to train them to play without me interfering. while I was on the treadmill. I started with 15 minutes. At first that was thier limit then they would start fighting or want me to put something together or help them. I then added minutes until I was at 45 minutes. Then they watched tv or video for playing so nicedly while I took a quick shower and got dressed. NOw that t hey are older I am having a harder time of it. MOst days I have to be up and dressed to take them to school or run errands. Once dressed with make up on, I have a hard getting a work out in.

Sunday, January 22, 2006, 3:14 PM

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Invest in some cute workout clothes, maybe? Then, get up and get dressed in your cute workout wear, and drive the kids to school in it, and run your errands in it. You see plenty of people running around in clothes like that all the time. Then, you have no excuse not to work out b/c you're already dressed in your workout clothes!

Monday, January 23, 2006, 11:25 AM

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Invest in some cute workout clothes, maybe? Then, get up and get dressed in your cute workout wear, and drive the kids to school in it, and run your errands in it. You see plenty of people running around in clothes like that all the time. Then, you have no excuse not to work out b/c you're already dressed in your workout clothes!

Monday, January 23, 2006, 11:25 AM

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Invest in some cute workout clothes, maybe? Then, get up and get dressed in your cute workout wear, and drive the kids to school in it, and run your errands in it. You see plenty of people running around in clothes like that all the time. Then, you have no excuse not to work out b/c you're already dressed in your workout clothes!

Monday, January 23, 2006, 11:25 AM

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