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How was Your New Years Eve! 2008! What did you do?

What Did You Do?
Was it as FUN as You expected, or really Boring to say the least? lol. Feel free to elaborate. I'll start : )

My New Year was Shockingly Boring.. ha-ha-ha...(sign)

Well, I'm still an upcoming artist, so it's not like I partied with MTV, or with Tila Tequila at her bash--(sorry, next year Tila). I welcomed 2008 at home with my parents. (READ ON--It gets worse )

I was working on my album the whole week & the day before New Year's, so I couldn't just leave and do a road trip to another state like all my friends did. At least my bf stayed behind to suffer with me, lol,
Wait, it gets worse...

It was snowing pretty bad, so we did not go to Downtown for fireworks and party outside as planned. We stayed to celebrate New Years with my parents.(sign) Children, Parents, & Alcohol should Never be Mixed- it's a fact.
Wait, it gets worse...

My bf and I were the only one sober at the table. I didn't drink cause I can't stand alcohol & I'm a minor anyway. & even if I could, COME ON, getting drunk with your parents? Not in 2008 at least, lol ; D

So, I stuffed myself with mini éclairs and started working. I put together ideas for my new hairstyle & 'look.' I have really crazy ideas for my hair.

mini éclairs made me sick, but I enjoyed working.

Never Again...

P.S. Check Out the Team "Artists Lose Weight"


Wed. Jan 2, 4:53am

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I wanted to go out dancing and partying, but we never managed to make any plans, what with all the traveling associated with christmas.

As it turned out, a friend had to go into the hospital over the weekend, so we visited her in the evening. If we had ever gotten around to making plans we would have had to cancel them, so it's just as well that we didn't, I guess!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008, 8:49 AM

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I grew up in Miami so we always do a traditional Cuban/Carribean meal on New Year's Eve. Then we went to the neighbors and toasted the New Year with champagne and fireworks. It was very nice.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008, 9:07 AM

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Mine was good, though I suppose most New Year's reveler types would find it dull. We were at my inlaws'. None of us drink. The teenkids went to a church-sponsored dance, so it was quieter than it had been for days; the rest of us visited, watched the Times Square telecast, and all the women except for me worked on Mom's puzzle. I found quiet corners to write and think in. At midnight we wished each other a happy new year and Mom a happy birthday; we visited for another hour until alll the teenkids were home and then went to bed.

My perfect New Year's Eve would be quiet, with lots of talk about the past year and some about the year to come, some predictions and plans. There'd be no TV, no noise from Times Square, no watching a stupid lit-up monstrosity of a ball on its hydraulic "drop," no alcohol (never is for me)--New Year's makes me thoughtful and not in a noisy-party mood.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008, 9:48 AM

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I live alone in Times Square. I hid in my apartment.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008, 11:31 AM

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found an event to go to, but no one wanted to go. so earlier that day i went for a walk and found a dog running around with no collar. he followed me around the lake, so when i got to my car, i told him to get in. i enjoyed his company so much and he was so frightened from all of the fireworks in the neighborhood, i am glad he was with me rather then in some bush somewhere.

on the 1st, i took him back where i had found him and we walked up into the neighborhood near the area. sure enough, his owner was circling in his truck looking for him. it was a mellow new year for a change and i relished every minute of it.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008, 11:37 AM

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Typically, my husband, myself and our 3 children (ages 16, 13, and 10) would make all kinds of snacks (you know, all bad for you stuff like sweet and sour meatballs, fried mozzarella sticks, stuffed mushrooms, etc) rent movies, have sparkling cider and have a big picnic in the living room. I love this holiday, strictly us time.
But the oldest one is now too "cool" to hang with her parents, the 13 year old is getting there too. So, we were asked to go to a party because someone had bought about $700 worth of fireworks and that got the kids vote (minus the 16 year old) so we went there. By the way, what is it with Fireworks down south? We are from up North originally (re-located for my job and I do love it here!) but up in CT we only did Fireworks on the 4th of July. Down here they do them on X-mas eve, new years and many many other holidays. I guess I don't get the obsession of paying all that money to "burn it!" yes they're pretty but they only last about 3 minutes each, if that.
Anyway, it was very cold that night but we all stood around two small fire pits trying to keep warm, we all stunk like wood smoke when we left. Couldn't really drink because we had the kids AND it was new years after all - cops, roadblocks, other idiots on the road... not the safest time of year to be out of the house!
Not as many people showed up at the party as expected, I was counting down in my head the whole time, "ok only one more hour, I can do this..."
Tell you what, next year, I vote for going back to spending the holiday in our traditional sense, at home, together - watching movies and spending time together to ring in the new year... even if Mom and Dad always fall asleep before midnight! he he he LOL!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008, 4:17 PM

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Made a wonderful dinner, and had a romantic evening with my husband.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008, 4:33 PM

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Out West the trend is toward fireworks on random holidays, also, and I'm in the Northwest...We see them on Christmas, New Year's, Independence Day and sometimes little city holidays here in our resort town. I had friends visit for Thanksgiving and there were fireworks across the lake the day idea why. Festival of Trees kickoff, maybe?

Wednesday, January 2, 2008, 11:14 PM

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Fun thread!

Usually we have a joint party with our downstairs neigbours, but after a difficult year - and then at the rejoicing at the end when I found out I was pregnant - my guy and I let the neighbours have their own shindig. We walked down Queen West and had the BEST burgers of our lives, and stayed in a close friend's flat who went somewhere warm (to avoid excessive New Years noise, cigerette smoke)

It was mellow, and I was alseep by 1am

Happy New Year all you PTers!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008, 11:25 PM

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Our tradition is with 4 other couples and all of our kids (ages from 2-19 years old), we rotate houses each year, have a beautiful dinner, and party it up (with designated drivers of course). The teenagers always think they are too cool to hang with us but they end up having so much fun too - they usually end up staying and having some of their friends come over as well. Its a great time, I always feel so thankful to have those friends.

Thursday, January 3, 2008, 9:42 AM

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I went dancing with my hubby and some friends downtown and got a cab ride back. Before hand we had soem champagne. It was a blast.

Thursday, January 3, 2008, 4:54 PM

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