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Does anyone cry when they watch the biggest loser??

OMG, this episode is killing me; especially when they visited the morgue. I am really motivated to make some changes.

Tue. Jan 1, 9:01pm

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Hey, Not all of us have seen it yet.
But yes I cry all the time watching it. I get really emotional when I see the struggles of everyone. Though none of them have had the degree of struggles that I have faced it still is very encouraging.
I have been watching re runs all day on Bravo tv. I love it.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008, 9:36 PM

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I DVR'd it and can't wait to watch it. I have 50+ pounds to lose and so often get overwhelmed, watching Biggest Loser makes me feel like its POSSIBLE. :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2008, 9:54 PM

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Tonight's opening for the "couples" season was especially good. It didn't come across as overly scripted, the way the last two seasons did (hm, writers' strike??).

I felt so awful for the Green team daughter. She worked her butt off, felt a total teamwork disconnect from her dad, got the worst weigh-in of them all, and then her father rubbed her nose in it. I guess it got to me because only a few years ago, shortly before he died, my 100-lb overweight dad looked at me with tears in his eyes and said he wished he could take every one of my excess 100 lbs onto his body and carry it for me. Then I see this girl begging her father for the effort and support she needs from him to stay on the show for more than a week, and he just blew her off like she was a stupid child. I wanted to smack him and his weirdly pregnant-looking belly.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008, 11:53 PM

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Yes, I kind of agree with the poster above. I did feel bad for the man though. He is 60 years old and 400 lbs. I am not near that much or near that old and that stuff would kick my butt. He probably felt a bit overwhelmed and yes that is what led to him being so obese, but he wasn't up for the ranch I dont think. Hopefully he did make small changes when he got home and can shed it lb by lb the hard way. He had lost some more with that update so that is postive news.

As far as the daughter goes, she only lost 7 lbs. If she would have lost more then she could have kept them out of the bottom two and given them more of a chance there, so I guess I dont feel too bad for her. It is a game. I realize that is a lot of weight per week overall, but in there they are shedding like crazy because of the exercise and shock to the system from the way they have been living. A woman of her size should have been able to shed that much in water weight alone the first week of the ranch.

I really liked Betty Sue and her dance, lol. That was kinda funny. From being the last one up that hill and back, she did awesome this week. And I just have to say trainer Bob is HOT HOT HOT. :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2008, 12:31 AM

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I feel so much better now, I thought I was alone in the whole emotional upheaval of the Biggest Loser! I got my husband to start watching it with me now, and even he got a little choked up. That was such a great episode last night, and I can totally relate to the green team, my dad used to talk to me the same way, so I felt her pain last night.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008, 12:21 PM

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I had never watched it before until last night. The people on the show are amazing! I loved Bette Sue.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008, 1:45 PM

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i cry every episode

Wednesday, January 2, 2008, 3:26 PM

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I'll admit, in the opening introduction, I had tears running down my cheeks. It just gets to me.... I love the power of change, and the willingness to better oneself. It was very inspiring!


Wednesday, January 2, 2008, 3:32 PM

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could you believe that guy lost like 29 pounds in ONE WEEK. the one thing i learned the most of on that show last night was that i need to DRINK MORE WATER.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008, 3:56 PM

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LOL, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to lose 29 lbs in one week, but I don't think its happenin!! :(

Wednesday, January 2, 2008, 6:41 PM

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i love the show and last night i decided to start moving with them. i managed to watch the entire season with Bill. He lost 100 and i gained 10. i've decided everytime i watch it, i am going to get up and move with them. it is the least i can do - they put those guys through torture. love the show! just one more thing, if i could lose 29 pounds in one week, i would be half way done. insane weight loss there...

Wednesday, January 2, 2008, 7:59 PM

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I always get choked up. I've actually already lost my 40 extra pounds and am maintaining. I guess for me the getting choked up is feeling good about myself and knowing how good they're going to feel. Everybody should watch this show! I watch it with all 3 of my kids usually and even my 9 yr old said "I'm learning a lot from this show Mommy about why you want us to eat healthy."

Wednesday, January 2, 2008, 8:01 PM

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lol.... I totally cry watching that show!! I always thought I was the only one. :) I love the couples series.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008, 9:54 PM

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