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I feel exhausted after I eat.. what's wrong??
Can anyone else relate to this? I have discovered over the past month or so that after I eat I get very tired and feel distracted. I have even went out to my car after lunch at school and fallen asleep mid-day and all I ate was a sandwich! Is there a reason why this is happening? I tend to eat pretty healthy since I am a vegetarian.. lots of fruits and vegetabls throughout the day for snacks, but am I missing something thats causing me to suddenly get tired? Just wondering... any opinion will help!
Thu. Dec 27, 4:58pm
Hard to say. I have to say that when I re-started this in the beginning of November I began eating more protein and fiber added to the fruits and veg. I eat every 3 to 4 hours and small meals, I don't get FULL. I get satisfied until I eat again and my energy levels are through the roof. You may want to add more protein and eat smaller meals more times throughout the day.
Thursday, December 27, 2007, 5:19 PM
I was actually severely iron anemic when I was having the same type of problems might want to get yourself checked out
Thursday, December 27, 2007, 6:09 PM
anemia, diabetes, or a wheat intolerance.
Just cuz you're a veg, doesn't mean you're eating healthy. What are you eating?
Thursday, December 27, 2007, 6:15 PM
Try drinking more water before lunch and after. I find that if I up my water in mid day it prevents me from feeling tired.
Thursday, December 27, 2007, 6:21 PM
See a doctor
Thursday, December 27, 2007, 6:22 PM
OP - This may seem a little out there, but what the heck. It kind of goes along with the idea that food is medicine and maybe you're just taking in the wrong medicine...
So, I was just brushing up on some dietary guidelines related to Traditional Chinese Medicine (and fertility not weight loss) and read that feeling low on energy after a meal can be a sign of Spleen Qi Deficiency (i.e., your energies are out of balance). The spleen is apparently directly involved in the digestion of all food and one of the dietary suggestions is to eat very little cold and/or raw foods - in particular foods like pears, watermelon, mangoes, lettuce, spinach, celery and cucumbers which are energetically 'cold' foods (i.e., it takes the body extra energy to maintain a warmer state?)
Other suggestions to keep the spleen in balance include limiting refined carbs like white bread and pasta, avoiding sugar, and avoiding milk and milk products. It's essentially eating a typical Chinese diet which has very little of those things. Who knows, maybe you're just out of balance and your body is expending extra energy to digest foods and keep warm. Hey - you said any opinions might help - lol.
Friday, December 28, 2007, 9:29 AM
OP Here
Thanks for the comments. Of course I am going to go to the doctor and make sure I don't have anemia or something serious but I just wanted to see if anyone else had this problem first as I really hate the Drs. office! I didn't mean to say that I was a vegetarian so I "must eat healthy," but I really do try to eat healthy as I've reached my goal of 120lbs at 5'4. I tend to eat oatmeal for breakfast, fruit (oranges, apples, pears) for snacks, pb sandwich or ww bagel for lunch and veggie burgers, soup or salad for dinner. I've wondered about the wheat intolerance before but I didn't know being tired was also a symptom... interesting!
Any specific vitamins that will also give me more energy?
Friday, December 28, 2007, 12:50 PM
hi op.
i felt this way for YEARS! I also didn't have energy for exercising and had muscle fatigue.
Couple of things I found out: I have hypothyroid, hashitomo's, and celiac's disease. ok, i can deal with those, but most importantly, i had my food allergy test done through a blood panel and turns out i have severe food allergies. I never would have been able to figure them out on my own. Now that i don't eat gluten, white potatoes, beef, turkey, grapes, cucumbers, and a whole list of other foods, I feel AMAZING! I swear to God it woke up my spirit and made a new person. Food allergies were contributing to my muscle fatigue, bloating, concentration issues, etc. Not to mention I am losing weight a lot quicker now!
oh, one more thing. have your ph level tested. mine was extremely acidic. i got that neutralized and that made a big difference,too!
Friday, December 28, 2007, 12:55 PM
refined carbs can cause this
Friday, December 28, 2007, 1:20 PM
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