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Food Gifts Received for Xmas

What food gifts did you receive this year - what did you do with them? My whole family is trying to eat right and work out, so this year, for the first time, food gifts were not our fav....

New York cheese cake - recieved from my aunt in Louisiana - my daugther's friends ate it tonight
2 different 1 pound boxes of sees candy - opened 1 and ate 5 pieces - family ate a few - the rest went to my daugther's work - Barnes and Nobel
2nd pound still here - unwrapped - we haven't decided yet. It was given to my hubby, I'm trying to convince him to get rid of it.
1 box of chocolate dipped pretzels - opened - ate 3 - left the rest at xmas day dinner t a relative's.

Wed. Dec 26, 3:47am

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I actually got small pink grapfruits.... what a great gift idea!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007, 10:43 AM

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People stopped giving me food gifts when I got fat. I'm not fat anymore, but they're aware it's still a I just got a small box of dark choc hershey's kisses, which are perfect :)

I asked for a crate of Honeybells (only in season for about 4-6 weeks), but apparently this year's crop won't be in until the first week of January - not good for Christmas. So I pre-ordered them for myself.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007, 10:48 AM

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Just curious... what are Honeybells?

Wednesday, December 26, 2007, 11:49 AM

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They're a "boutique" fruit - an extremely juicy, sweet breed of tangelo grown in one small part of Florida.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007, 12:09 PM

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THose sound good! My favorites are clementines and they sound similar

Wednesday, December 26, 2007, 12:25 PM

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I didn't receive any since I am working so hard at losing the weight. But I thought of giving a couple of my relatives who are watching theirs as well a box of mandarin oranges. But decided to get them towels instead.
You never know if people like the fruits that you do.
My family was all very supportive of my efforts and I appreciate it so much.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007, 1:49 PM

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my own mother who sees me going to the gym everyday and trying to eat healthy gave me a big bag of hershey kisses for shristmas! I havent opened them yet, and dont plan on it. I do plan on giving them away!!! talk about diet sabotage!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007, 2:19 PM

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Lucky for me, any food gifts that aren't helpful for us can go right to where I work - a homeless shelter! They shelter workers take the treats and put them in little bags to put on the beds for the guests. IF we get more fruit than we can eat, I like to share with the kitchen, or the food box program we have for the community working poor.

Since I have blood sugar issues, and hubby can't eat eggs, wheat or dairy, most folk don't give us food - what a blessing that is!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007, 5:22 PM

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