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Finding your motivation

Just alittle rant..

I am a 20 year old college student who is finally able to find the motivation to lift those weights or stay on that elliptical for 5 more minutes. For as long as I can remember I have been unhappy with the way my body looks but I was always so good at hiding it. I am reasonably athletic so working out doesnt really bother, its just staying in the routine is what I could never accomplish. I would work out for a week or 2 then feel really good but still not continue. Same thing with cigs, I would quit for a few days.. let my lungs clear out.. then start again cause I felt like a million bucks.

Basically the point I am trying to make is I never found that motivation to stick with a routine and achieve the level of physical fitness I want.

I finally found that motivation, and its a her. The ladies have always been good to me, but .. they werent always the best quality in the looks/ personaly department. This kept me comfortable not being in great shape. Id have the attitude that I would start working out when I could no longer get a girl. About 2 weeks ago I met an absolute angel and I have no idea what I did to deserve her affection. I have never even had a girl this hot talk to me before and for some reason she is crazy about me. She makes me wanna improve myself. Id kick myself in the ass every day for the rest of my life if i lost her because I was just too lazy to be healthy.

And working out is just starting a chain reaction.. im eating great, quit smoking so i can run longer, stopped smoking weed for the same reason, I dont drink as much beer.. and all in all I just feel great.

I know that it will be really hard on me if it doesnt work out with her, but even if she called me right now and broke it off I would thank her from the bottom of my heart for giving me to confidence and motivation to improve myself. She also gives me a whole new level of confidence... maybe I deserve a quality woman in my life, even if its not her.

remember to have the right lady, you have to be the right man

Sat. Dec 22, 12:41pm

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You have just taken a giant step toward being an adult. Congrats on letting it improve your health. When you are my age you will still be thanking this woman. She may still be with you as your wife and soul mate, or she may not be the one, but as you said she has been a giant influence on your life. Always keeep that part of her with you. I'm glad you recognize that you deserve a "quality" woman and in order to get one you have to be a "quality" man.
PS. When I met my husband and started dating him, I quit smoking because I was embarrassed to kiss him with ashtray breath.

Good luck

Saturday, December 22, 2007, 1:13 PM

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Good for you and keep it up over winter break (and spring break and summer break, etc.) The college crowd is looking a little pudgy these days - this is the time to take advantage of your youth and time! Get in shape!

Have fun and always remind yourself - you're good enough, you're smart enough, and, doggone it, people like you!

Monday, December 24, 2007, 1:48 PM

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