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Christmas Gift for a Father-In-Law (to be)

This is the first year where my fiance and I have split the cost of Christmas, therefore we can get much better gifts for everyone. His dad is a pretty well off guy, so spending a lot of money isn't really important. I've went down a list with my fiance of things to get his dad (new grill, watch, other man stuff) and apparently he has new everything.

I know he likes golf, so my plan was to get him a gift certificate to this local driving range that he can share with his grandson, who he is pretty much attached at the hip to.

Is this a good gift? What else can I do? Last year, I bought my in-laws-to-be a gift certificate to Home Depot (they love fixing up their house) and before that I bought them a gift certificate to a really fancy steakhouse (which they refused to spend just on themselves, so they brought us and bought our dinner!). This is the first year that we're buying them individual gifts, and I am STUCK.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Wed. Dec 19, 9:57am

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I think that's a GREAT gift. I love consumable gifts, and one that helps him build memories with a grandson--I think it's great.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007, 9:59 AM

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I think that's the perfect idea! Other alternatives would be a gift certificate for a round of golf somewhere nice (when it warms up), etc.

We always give gift certificates for "experience" things - a dinner, a round of golf, tickets to a show, etc. to our parents, who have the money to buy whatever they want. I wouldn't get a gift certificate to, like, a clothing store, b/c they buy whatever clothes they want and don't think about it. But giving an experience is always an appreciated gift. Even if they could pay for it themselves, having it will make them do it, and they'll enjoy it.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007, 6:14 PM

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