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OT- awkward family christmas gathering, traditions or ideas?PLEASE!

This is the first christmas that my family will be spending together since my parents divorce. My sister and her husband and I will be spending christmas morning at our mom's and carrying on all the regular traditions but we'd like to find a way to see my dad during the day as well (they all live in the same city).
The plan is that around noon we will meet my dad and his new girlfriend at my sister's place and spend some time together. the only problem is WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?! We all get along with my dad's girlfriend and I'm trying my best to form new traditions and not lose the holiday spirit because of the split. But when we are all together there are a few problems:
#1- My sister who is very protective of my mom, feels a little strange about having my dad's new partner over to her house on christmas (she has no problem with the relationship, she just feels guilty)
#2- the 5 of us together is a little strange because I am the only one without a partner to lean on during these kinds of I dont want to go iceskating or any other "paired off" kind of activities.
I'd really like to make the gathering laid back and enjoyable...but what to do?
we'll exchange gifts and maybe have hot cocoa but then what? I feel like it would be depressing to go out for coffee on christmas day, or see a movie... but since we're all adults and will be going on to christmas dinners later in the day...baking or christmas crafts seems a little silly. Does anyone have any grown-up traditions that might be fun for this kind of group? I really want everyone to feel at home, but have little control over that since it isn't MY home.
Thanks in advance for any input! :)

Mon. Dec 17, 5:34pm

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What are the regular traditions being carried on at your mom's?

Just curious because when we gather as "adults," we don't generally plan an activity; we just spend time conversing. Exchange presents and have snacks or something, but really, just spend time together.

Monday, December 17, 2007, 6:46 PM

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Do you all play scrabble, cards, pictionary or other board games. Start a tradition of board games or interactive games

Monday, December 17, 2007, 7:45 PM

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Since you are getting together around noon, you could go out to a nice christmas lunch. Or watch a favorite christmas movie together... or maybe get together later in the evening. What my family does every christmas eve is we have a nice dinner together and then drive around and look at the best christmas lights displays. There is usually a newspaper article or website that maps out each cities most ridiculous displays... plus you'd have time to chat in the car between houses.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007, 7:34 AM

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We always split time between family. And we always go to the movies on Christmas night! Not depressing at all. We love it.

There is this game called "apples to apples" that I have played with family and friends, and it is so much fun! It looks like a kids game, but it's not. It's very fun, you'll all laugh a lot, and you'll get to know people a bit more. I would check it out. No skill required.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007, 9:53 AM

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I too hate being the "unpaired" one in the family. My bf was not invited on the family holiday trip. I've never found a good way of dealing with this emotionally, except by "toughing it out," getting off on my own to exercise, etc. Would be interested in hearing other coping strategies.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007, 12:51 PM

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