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Definition of "Eating Clean?"
I've seen reference on here to 'eating clean' and 'eat clean' but what exactly does this mean? I notice that some people who use this term also consume protein drinks, so I am thinking it's not necessarily organic or natural? I can't seem to find a definition. Thanks.
Mon. Dec 17, 4:04pm
"Eat Clean?" as opposed to eating dirty?
Tuesday, December 18, 2007, 4:09 PM
My understanding of "Eating Clean" is a lot of fruits & veggies with some lean protein and whole grain - No refined carbs. I don't really care for protein drinks because it has so much chemical in it. I try to stick to natural form of food as much as I can.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007, 4:35 PM
When I refer to 'eating clean' - I am referring to eating food prepared using high quality ingredients that is basically free of man-made sugars, hydrogenated fats, trans-fats and other unnecessary ingredients (synthesized preservatives, etc). This does not preclude some desserts, but it does pretty much rule out most packaged, processed foods. It also means I try not eat things that have no nutritional value - white bread for example is on a par with angel food cake for nutrition. All the good stuff has been stripped out and it's just fillers and air. This seems to put me on the same page as others who use the term.
When selecting foods I do take factors like 'organic' into consideration, but even more than that I try to take into account the benefits of how the food was raised. For example, I'd rather have free-range beef than beef that was raised in a feedlot on bucketloads of organic corn, I'd rather have free-range, naturally nest eggs than those from chickens packed into inhumane conditions but fed organic feed (plus it's been shown that chickens who have access to natural sunlight produce eggs with a higher vitamin content). I'd also rather have conventional local tomatoes than organic ones from Chili. You get the picture. Because to me part of eating 'clean' is not fouling the environment and supporting local, environmentally responsible (not necessarily organic), humane agriculture whenever possible. Of course sometimes you just have to go with what's availble, but whenver possible I try to learn as much about my food and where it comes from as I can.
I've come to really care about my body and what I put into it. Plus I feel the way I eat. When I eat 'clean' I feel lighter, more energetic, more aware and I make better choices about my activities and lifestyle in general. I really didn't start off with this in mind though - I just wanted to lose some weight :-) But all logical choices seemed to lead me to this type of lifestyle and it definitely agrees with me.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007, 4:52 PM
OP here - thanks everyone!
4:52 - I really like the environmental slant! You eat responsibly! Thanks for all the information and your perspective. I really appreciate it. I'm going to strive for this.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007, 10:26 PM
Wow yeah 4:52, you hit the nail on the head.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007, 12:30 AM
4:52, I am really glad you took the time to point out the difference between locally grown and evironmentally responsible produce and simply organic produce. Organic produce purchased from Wild Oats is no better for you, in my opinion, than produced lovingly and naturally grown by a local farmer who cannot legally call their fruits and vegetables organic because of strict requirements. Our neighbors grow several kinds of berries naturally but they told us they would have to pay thousands of dollars for the label of "certified organic". But their produce is natural, healthful and very importantly, a part of your local economy, which needs to be healthy too!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007, 1:44 AM
There is also the book "Eat Clean" by Tusca Reno. She is an author who contributes to oxygen magazine. I think she is actually the one who came up with the term. If you ever read Oxygen magazine they refer to Eating Clean throughout the whole thing.
I went to Borders once and read through her diet. I've heard it does real wonders!!! Basically lots of veggies, fruit etc.
People in the magazine SWEAR BY HER DIET.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007, 8:15 AM
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