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Christmas Gift for Hubby--Need Help Men

Hi there! I have lost 30 pounds and feel great about my body (even though I've got 30 more to go). Our bedroom life is more active now and wanted to give my husband a little something extra for the holiday. I bought a "Mrs. Clause" outfit from Fredricks of Hollywood with knee high black 4" heel boots and a santa hat. I told my girlfriend about this and she cursed me saying I shouldn't offer myself as a gift.

Guys, if your wife did this for you for Christmas, how would you feel? Would you feel cheated that you didn't get that material gift?

Positive feedback only please!

Mon. Dec 17, 9:58am

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Not being a man, it's hard for me to know for sure, but I think my husband would love love love this as a gift for him!

Monday, December 17, 2007, 10:18 AM

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Token Guy here. If my wife presented me with lingerie for x-mas, I'd be a little disappointed. Especially after searching all over town to find the perfect gift for her. To me, that'd be like me giving my wife a new suit in my size- sure, I look great in it, but it's still for me, not for her.

My suggestion- get him something else and present that gift to him on x-mas morning in your sexy new outfit. I guarantee he'll like that.

Monday, December 17, 2007, 10:49 AM

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How about a chainsaw AND the outfit.

Monday, December 17, 2007, 11:14 AM

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OP here:

Thanks for all of the suggestions everyone. I see your point Token Guy, I should still get his something else. actually I was thinking a new muzel loader. We went ML hunting this season and he commented about his.

He has 3 chainsaws already, but thanks for the idea!

Monday, December 17, 2007, 11:18 AM

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I've heard from too many men (I have way too much access to this kind of info, so someone may as well benefit) that sex stuff shouldn't be a "special treat" or a present - it sends a message that the woman doesn't consider sex, be it regular or kinky, part of their regular life as a couple. So even though you describe your sex life as "more active", it can be tricky territory. Maybe spin the sexy santa thing as a stocking stuffer...pardon the double entendre ;)

Monday, December 17, 2007, 11:32 AM

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Token Guy again-

Dude, you present him with a muzzle loader while you're wearing your santa's little helper outfit, you will probably make his entire decade.

that totally rocks.

Monday, December 17, 2007, 11:41 AM

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op again.

Thanks Token Guy. I thought of getting him the new CVA. He was looking at it this weekend.

When we got married, I figured it was join him or be miserable. We now slug hunt, pheasant hunt, fish, ML hunt, and all kinds of things together. He is an avid bow hunter and he goes every friday night, sat morning, saturday night, sunday morning, and sunday night throughout the whole season. he wants me to start bow hunting, but i told him he has to have some activity to do without me.

Monday, December 17, 2007, 11:54 AM

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I love the idea of presenting my husband with a Christmas gif dressed all sexy! Hope you don't mind if I steal some inspiration from you. Usually we're in frumpy robes and PJ's, and you know what? I think I'll surprise him by wearing something 'nice' under my robe. It's just the two of us Christmas morning, so I think a little extra nap might be in order :-) Y'know I never used to feel all that sexy, even before I gained weight. Working out has really done nice things for my perception of my body and my self-confidence.

Monday, December 17, 2007, 1:30 PM

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what is ML hunting?

Monday, December 17, 2007, 2:58 PM

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OP, is your husband looking to get rid of a surplus chainsaw? My bf is looking for one to get me for Xmas.

Monday, December 17, 2007, 3:15 PM

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ML hunting is muzzle-loader hunting.

Man...I am feeling pretty happy today that my husband and I don't analyze stuff to death like this. If I gave him sexy lingerie (or appeared in same) for Christmas, the message would be a heck of a lot simpler than has been mentioned here--and he'd love it! But then, I wouldn't be trying to say anything complex, either. I've done stuff like this before (not the Santa-outfit-hooker-boots business, but elegant and sexy lingerie or once, a t-shirt that said "Who needs more presents? You have me!" with plaid boy shorts) and we just had fun with it.

20 years and counting; he still holds my hand and if our kids knew about our sex life they'd DIE of mortification.

Monday, December 17, 2007, 8:31 PM

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I actually asked my husband what he thought about this, so this is a man's answer. He said "What do I need more stuff for? I think that's the best present you could get me!"

Monday, December 17, 2007, 9:02 PM

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op checking in

Hi everyone. Thanks for the feedback. I didn't think I needed to give him more of a present for christmas, but my friend thought otherwise, which is why I was asking for men's opinion on how they would feel only receiving that as a gift.

I ordered his gift last night--I decided to get him a weekend hunting trip with a friend. That way he'll get me and a trip for himself.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007, 9:11 AM

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