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My appetite has disappeared

I have lost about 9.5 pounds with alot more to go and the last few days I am just not hungry. Before I started dieting I had a huge appetite and when I first started I thought I was going to starve to death but now I am having to force myself to eat. I am not on any kind of diet pills. I was just wondering, what happened to my hunger? I guess I should be glad, I just thought it was sorta strange. Has anyone else experienced this?

Sat. Dec 15, 4:23pm

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I go though cycles. One week I'm starving, the next week I'm just not hungry. Perhaps you're just paying closer attention to your appetite now so you've noticed the swings. :)

Congrats on the loss!! Keep it up!

Saturday, December 15, 2007, 4:52 PM

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Definitely! I am now eating waaaay less than I ever thought I could survive on, and I'm not really hungry! ENjoy it!

Saturday, December 15, 2007, 5:05 PM

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When I excercise reguarly and eat better, my crave for comfort food and sugarly food decreases. Heavy excercise suppress appetite. And, also, as I eat healtheir, it take less calories to fill me. I eat 5-6 times / day. I will get full on 300cal of food, which before it take like 700-800cal. However, You still need to eat to keep the metabolism up and prevent muscle loss. If you are not hungery, then eat small meals, like 200-300cal each, with dense calorie food [like nuts, furits, avocados, or eve protein shake].

Saturday, December 15, 2007, 5:22 PM

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more than anything else, i do agree with the poster who talks about the cycles. i personally find that the third week within my period is the worst (=i can eat anything and everything), and then the next week during the period it all suddenly disappears.

Saturday, December 15, 2007, 5:40 PM

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yeah ive been in the same situation. i think also when you're doing really well and seeing results, you want to keep going and food just doesn't interest you anymore.

Saturday, December 15, 2007, 7:55 PM

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sometimes, over training results in a loss of appetite. I know if I don't eat a lot and work out alot, then I can totally forget to eat. I'll burn 1000 cals working out, and only take in 500 in the day, which isn't healthy.

Saturday, December 15, 2007, 9:47 PM

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