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Swiss Ball

anyone out there use these things? do they work? share your experience.
I am thinking about getting one

Tue. Jan 17, 8:15pm

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I have one, and keep planning to go back to using it. It is dynamite to flop over, either frontwards or backwards to get a gentle stretch. I bought a tape pilates on the ball, but am so out of shape that I have to work up to doing pilates.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 9:18 PM

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I have a ball, but I dont thnk its the right size, cant find one that is. i was tod i need a 65 " i belive..and mine is in the 40's??? Something like that. Anyways, it seems they require alot of rom to do a proper wrk out, according to a couple videos I rented nyways...but it sure does look like it would be a goooood workout!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 11:26 PM

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I love my swiss ball. I find doing strength exercises on it great because trying to balance is a bit of an extra challenge that really helps work your core. You can work at whatever level you want. I.e. You can do basic crunches on it, or you can add a little extra challenge by extending one leg. I find it more fun than just basic weight/strenght training. Iif you need to take a break you can just sit and bounce :)
p.s. there are lots of websites around that show you how to do some great exercises.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006, 8:41 AM

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Swiss ball?

I'm sorry...I've never heard of a "swiss ball". Is it the same thing as a stability ball? One of those giant inflatable firm-ish balls that you can sit on/do crunches with/etc.???

If it is...I LOVE those things and find I always get a great workout. If it's something else...I'm intrigued.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006, 8:54 AM

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Yes a Swiss Ball is a stability ball.
Here are a few great basic exercises:
The Swiss Ball Leg Curl is an awesome butt exercise. And its great for doing back extensions too.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006, 9:19 AM

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When you purchase a ball the size will vary depending on how tall you are. You should be able to sit on it with your feet flat on the floor, and your hips and knees at 90 degrees. There are many resources for exercise ideas, and the possibilities are many. You can do almost all your weight training with a ball alone if your goal is firmness as opposed to muscle bulking.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006, 9:30 AM

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It may take a couple tries to be able to even balance enough to do crunches on it, but don't give up. My mom and I had a great time laughing at ourselves once, at Curves, b/c we couldn't stay on the ball! We are very un-coordinated! But afer a couple weeks, we were fine.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006, 10:58 AM

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OP here... thanks for all the posts. I think I'll give it a try

Wednesday, January 18, 2006, 9:53 PM

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