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For those who eat at diners and/or know about food prep...

So I have been wondering this, and not that I am extremely bothered by it, but, am really curious:

Me and my girlfriends love to meet for brunch on the weekends at a local diner. In the spirit of sticking to a healthy diet, I typically order an egg white ommlette w/ lots of veggies. I think this is a healthy option while eating out (?). But...since I am a big ommlette eater, I have noticed that the ommelettes (and other egg-dishes) are farrr more 'greasy' when I order them out, as opposed to when I make them at home.

So, I have been they prepare their eggs with something other than cooking spray (ie: oil, butter, etc)????

Thu. Dec 13, 12:54pm

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I dont think any diner would pay for cooking spray when butter or oil is cheaper and easier to work with. perhaps if you request cookng spray, they might use it upon request. next time you go, ask the waiter and let us know!

Thursday, December 13, 2007, 12:57 PM

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Cooking spray is oil (just sprays a mist of oil evenly so you get less). I've worked at several restaurants and one used industrial-sized cans of cooking spray (but the cooks seriously sprayed on a ton), and the other used butter which they kept in a stainless steel bowl on the grill (so it stayed melted) and would just brush a little on the grill.

It all comes down to the cooking temps. Eggs need to be cooked at lower temps to keep them from getting rubbery and from sticking, but you need to cook breafast fast and many omlette fillings are best cooked at hotter temps, so lots of places up the temps and use more oil. I sautee my veggies seperate and add them to the omlette after they're about the doneness I prefer. Then I cook the omlette at ideal egg temp (~250 degrees). Tell your server to ask for them cooked dry or with little oil and they will pass the request on.

Thursday, December 13, 2007, 5:41 PM

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I used to be a cook at a diner and I know that there they used an equal blend of oil and butter. And they used a lot. We cooked our omelets flat on a grill so we could have used less, but I don't think it would be as little as you would prefer. But every place is different so it never hurts to ask.

Thursday, December 13, 2007, 6:06 PM

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