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Mon. Jan 1, 12:00am
try to find a planet fitness
My husband and I are members for $10 each per month. It's the least expensive gym membership I've ever had. Now if we only used it more...
Friday, December 14, 2007, 12:27 AM
Only because of personal choices and lifestyle changes.
You go from possibly being naturally active - running all over a college campus, or involved in high school sports, etc. - to sitting at a desk all day. You don't really have a ton of money, so when there's free food around (pizza, donuts, etc.) you reach for it, b/c it's way cheaper than buying a salad, etc. You have tons of excuses to go out to happy hours, etc., with cheap beer and fried food, and you go, because you don't have a family to go home to yet, and maybe you haven't found the person yet whom you'll have that family with, so you better get out there and meet people anyway. The convenient gyms are usually expensive, and the cheap gyms are usually kinda gross or out of the way or somewhere not entirely safe, so you find reasons not to jon or not to go.
Also, your body is starting to get old. I'm sure I'll get people contradicting me, and I'm sure it's better than it will be, but at 25 now (and a perfectly healthy weight and fitness level) I already feel less able to do things that I could've done in high school - lost flexibility, sore knees, etc. Just think - female olympic gymnasts are in their mid-teens; 25-year-olds would likely hurt themselves way more if they tried to do the same kinds of things teenagers can do!
Anyway, yes, your 20's are a hard time to lose weight, but so is pretty much ay other time.
Friday, December 14, 2007, 5:57 PM
I'm 21 but I don't think that's true at all. I think it's easier to get in shape when you're in your 20s because not only do you still have a pretty good metabolism (muscle mass declines after 40), but you have less responsibilties to take care of a family, thus more time and less stress if you're an emotional eater. Also, you don't need a gym to get in shape. You can take a walk or run before or after work and lift weights at home (get free exercises online). Healthy food isn't necessarily expensive. In fact, buying excess junk food is what adds up. You can go to healthy stores like Trader Joe's that have inexpensive products.
Friday, December 14, 2007, 6:31 PM
I don't have a gym membership and I am on a tight budget to pay off my student loans. Every 3 months I go online to Collagevideo and buy a workout DVD. You don't have to be rich to eat healthy. Simple changes and personal choices are whats important, portion control is also important, it calories in and calories out. Trust me it is so much harder to lose the weight, once the family, other obligations come into play.
Saturday, December 15, 2007, 8:23 AM
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