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Nutritionist, Dietician, MD.... ?

I have been dieting for two full years now. No matter what I do, I cannot seem to lose. I've changed eating, increased exercise and I am actually gaining. I feel like I need my metabolism tested, maybe thyroid, etc. I just need to know why this is happening. Any suggestions on who I should go see??

Tue. Jan 17, 4:09pm

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From someone who's been there...

You have a few options...some gyms, like Bally's, offer a test to determine your personal basal metabolic rate. I'm sure some nutritionists, etc. offer that too.

The 'metabolism' doctor would be an Endocrinologist, but they can be a bit jaded when it comes to fat women hoping for a medical reason for their size so they can just take a pill and be all better (no that's not what I think you're doing -- that's just the attitude they give and it sucks). I read a statistic a few years ago that said that 5% of weight problems were due to medical issues.

If you want your thyroid tested, just see your regular doctor and ask for the more thorough test rather than just the standard one that you get with the bloodwork done during your annual physical (mine did this when my results came back at the bottom end of the normal range). I believe the physical symptoms of an underactive thyroid are cold hands/feet, a general tendency toward feeling cool, and low energy...but those symptoms are annoyingly general and probably describe half the people reading this, lol.

Also, check with your doctor about any medications you're on -- many of them have a side effect of weight gain. After you've determined whether or not there's a medical cause for your inability to shift the extra lbs, then you should see a nutritionist.

Good luck

Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 5:20 PM

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