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Eat it all now... or spread it out?

Quick question! I got some candy as a early christmas gift and of course I want to eat it all now. Is it better to TRY and limit it to a couple pieces a day or just eat as much as I want today, get the craving over with and throw the rest away? I feel that I should just get the craving over with, even if I eat like ten pieces instead of having to compensate my entire weeks nutritious food to fit in a couple pieces here and there. What would you do?

Mon. Dec 10, 8:28pm

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I would share it with everyone you can. My motto with stuff like that is 'the more you eat, the less I eat'.

Monday, December 10, 2007, 8:30 PM

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If you don't want to go for daily moderation, eat and really savor a few of your absolute favorites now and throw the rest away.

Don't reinforce or justify the binge and don't waste calories on the ones you don't LOVE! And if it's a box of all the same stuff - ask youself how much of one thing do you really need!

If you really take the time to savor a few bites, you won't need to binge on 10 to satisfy a craving.

Then - get rid of it! And really destroy it so you don't pull a Costanza and revisit the box in the trash can.

Monday, December 10, 2007, 8:34 PM

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It's definately hard to have the stuff around. Anything I buy as treats for the kids are in places where I won't see them. Outta site, outta mind! I wouldn't say eat the whole thing but have some and like the previous poster said, give the rest away!

Monday, December 10, 2007, 9:29 PM

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Pick out 2 or 3 your really want. Then, before you eat them, give the rest away. I send mine to work with my husband to share, or maybe you have a neighbor or friend or someone? THEN eat the ones you picked out. I find that once I get going it's harder to stop. If I don't have anymore to eat then I won't eat them!

Monday, December 10, 2007, 11:45 PM

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The problem with 'binge now' is that there is ALWAYS another box tomorrow and if you contiue to apply the same mentality then you end up consuming more in the long run.

If you have a couple pieces a day then you can really see how much of the box you are consuming. Consider adding up all the calories for the whole box, writing them om a piece of paper w/marker, taping the paper to the box and then subtracting the calories for a piece from the total every time you eat one.

Otherwise I second the advice of others - have a few really good pieces and throw the rest away.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007, 12:15 AM

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I've tried to spread it over a few days, but it NEVER works. I just end up binging anyway. And like the PP said, this isn't going to be the only time this happens! I agree with most of the people on here - eat a few, give the rest away or throw them out.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007, 1:03 PM

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Bingeing is never good

Tuesday, December 11, 2007, 3:31 PM

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