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last couple of pounds wont budge!!!!!

I am having a tough time trying to lose the last 3 lbs. I have upped my calories to 1500 per day in the thought that maybe I wasnt eating enough before but sometimes I seem to only get 1200 in sometimes even less. I dont know if i have gained a pound but the scale tells me a different number 3 or 4 times a week and it is aggravating!! I am F 5"5 118 or 117.6 or 116.4 which ever the case and i would like to get to 115. My question is will i ever get to the 115 or am i competining with muscle gain now? cause i noticed that i am more muscular looking now. also when i am ready to maintain what should my caloric intake be?
I am trying to get to this weight because my husband and i are planning to have a child in a year and i would like to be in shape to the maximum beforehand, i know a year is a long ways out but i figure it gives me time to learn to maintain my fitness well, sounds crazy i know, but i just will not let myself go whacko with preggo. 1 more ques. once i am pregnant how long will it be before i lose muscle tone?

Mon. Dec 10, 4:44pm

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It sounds to me that this is your healthy weight. You are definately well within the range. It is great that you are trying to get healthy before getting prego.
I haven had kids yet so cant answer your last question.

Just dont kill yourself.
I am close friends with a girl that was miss. fitness USA a few years back and she really didnt lose muscle when she was expecting. But she was still teaching aerobics...

Monday, December 10, 2007, 4:53 PM

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according to BMI, you're underweight at 115, so that might be why you can't lose those last few pounds. I wonder how much muscle you have to lose if you're already that low of a weight...

Monday, December 10, 2007, 6:28 PM

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You don't have to lose any muscle when you're pregnant. I continued doing cardio and weights up until 5 days after I was due and two days before I delivered. If you're in good shape before getting pregnant you can keep exercising - maybe not to the same intensity, but you can keep up with the exercise and maintain your fitness.

Monday, December 10, 2007, 7:05 PM

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If you stay active through out your pregnancy the only place you will lose muscle is those stretched out abdominals.

Monday, December 10, 2007, 7:20 PM

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I think you're right on that you are competing with muscle weight now. At this point try for a pants size or measurements goal. You don't want to lose muscles to get down to 115 - you might even look and be 'bigger' if you do that.

Monday, December 10, 2007, 8:33 PM

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Consider pre-natal yoga! And don't lose any more weight if you are or consider to get pregnant! :)

Monday, December 10, 2007, 10:11 PM

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If you are under weight it can be harder to conceive

Tuesday, December 11, 2007, 10:02 AM

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